
This & That

The Lib is worn out! She had a big day. We had a pool lunch date today, and she had her last day of dance today. That will wear a child out! We had a lot of fun at the pool. It was just the two of us, and it was oh so nice! I tried to get her to do some "swimming" with me, but she just wasn't feeling very brave. She is very cautious around the water. Different story if you asked me last summer. I think after last years swimming lessons when they dunked her under water, she decided that she just wasn't ready for that yet! So we played on the steps instead. Which she is wonderful at- She'll even let me lay out with friends, and she will entertain herself for a little while.

We ate lunch first though- Nothing better than a peanut butter sandwich and a banana.

Then we went for the pool.

And played and played until we couldn't play anymore...

 She had her last day of dance at 3:30 today, so we managed to get home and rest for a bit before. The parents were able to come watch the last 30 minutes of class to see what they had learned. All I have to say is I'm glad my mom and I peaked through the door during the first 30 minutes of class. She had a major melt down during the "performance" of their 2 dances. Stage fright at it's best. 

But I'm still so very proud of her because I saw what she learned during the past 5 weeks. I would always get there a few minutes early each time and peak through the door. It was so fun! 

She's a good little dancer that can shake her hips like no ones business! I didn't take any pictures during the dance, or take videos because I was trying to encourage her through the whole dance. Poor little thing was just so overwhelmed!

Isn't that a sweet picture! Libby with all of her dancing buddies and sweet teacher Mrs. Helen.

And OHH-- Did you notice?? 

Yes. I joined the twitter world! Now y'all get to see useless information about me and what I do all day. It always sounded so silly to me to just have "status updates" of what you are doing. But I've found it  to be very fun! Who knew!? Tweet me if you have Twitter- I'd love to know that I'm not the only one out there that has Twitter. :-)



Life is Good.

Life is indeed Good! And there are lots of reasons why.

1. Summer- and the lake
... it's summer! Because of 2 things. Well, June 21st marks the first day of summer, and I'm DONE with school! Yahoo! If I could just only get rid of this nasty cold I have goin' on. I sound like a chain smoker which isn't fun at all. I came down with this nasty cold last Monday, so It's been a full week of not feeling 100%. But the main thing is I got through my final with a good grade. :-) Always feels good when you've studied so hard, then it pays off in the end. Nothing like it.

We spent this past weekend at the lake. Nolen played in the WP Club Championship. Libby and I hung out. Saw friends, went to the pool, went on the lake, took long naps, went to Church in the Pines, played inside while the afternoon showers came in. Not really showers though- more like down poors. It was a good weekend, and we are headed back on Friday for the 4th! The 4th of July isn't the same without the lake. I've always been at the lake on the 4th, except one time. 2 years ago when we went to Maine with Nolen's family. Totally worth in though! Such a beautiful place. I should post some pictures of the trip. Since I didn't have a blog then, I don't have a way of documenting it. I'll do that soon.

2. A great husband with a job.
Nolen still likes his job. The commute isn't bad at all. He actually likes the time by himself in the car. 'Cause we all know that's his only time to himself. Which is needed. He can renergize himself before he comes home to us. We miss him during the day, and sometimes Libby asks, "Where Daddy go?" Then she quickly remembers that he's in "Gomery" aka Montgomery. We like it just the 2 of us though. I feel more productive, and it's feels so good.

We are planning a trip to "Gomery" soon to have lunch with him, and maybe look around The Name Dropper. Keyword "look around". This girl doesn't need any clothes...OR do we need to be spending money on clothes she doesn't need. I remember going to the Name Dropper when I was a young girl. Probably to get a Easter dress that I didn't want to wear. My mom dressed us in beautiful clothes, and of course I didn't appreciate them then, but now I love all of my clothes that my mom forced me to wear. :-) Bessie shops there a lot, and I don't mind one bit. Everything in there is so cute! Lib sure is blessed with "Grandmudders" (What Libby says when you ask her what Sasa and Bessie are) that buy cute clothes for her! My mom owns a gift shop in Alex City named Cloud Nine. She is lucky to be able to get all the cute name brand clothes at market, so you can only imagine between Sasa, Bessie and hand me downs the girl has plenty of clothes. So maybe just a "look around" at The Name Dropper would be good.

3. Quiet time.

I just love summer afternoons. It's full of quiet time, napping (most days), reading, no TV (I'm beginning to get really annoyed with the TV during the day) , laundry, ironing (Which happens a lot around her now), planning what I'll cook for dinner. And it's usually quiet when I do all those things. Which is so refreshing after a morning of having cartoons on in the background, running around town, going to the pool, there's always something.

4. Summer projects.

 I have several projects I'm planning on doing while I'm out of school. My Mom and I moved Libby's changing table out of her room a few weeks ago, since she doesn't need it anymore. Tear. I can't wait to put that changing table back up some day. Not now, but definitely in the future! Got to check school of the list first. Anyway- We put a book case where the changing table used to go, but it's yellow. So, I'm going to paint it white to match her room.

I'm going to make hair bows. I got all the ribbon, hot glue gun, clips, etc. in like February. Yeah, I don't know what happened to my plan, but it's going to happen very soon!

A headboard- I made one last summer, but I need another one for the guest bedroom. I got the plywood and batting in like January or February. Don't know what happened to that plan either, but it is going to happen. I have no excuse.

I'm going to continue to learn how to sew, and smock! My grandmother is going to be my teacher. We have been talking about this for I don't know how long, but I can't wait!

5. Summer trips.

Libby and I are going to Pensacola on Wednesday with my parents to see my grandmother Mimi! Unfortunately Nolen can't come because of that J.O.B that we are so greatful he has. I haven't seen her since last summer, and I can't wait to see her! Libby misses her so much. And we are hoping to see Libby's cousins McColl and Lucy while we are there. We are coming back on Thursday, so it will be a very quick trip.

In July Bessie, Kasi and I are heading to the Big Apple for some fun! We are going to some plays and do stuff that you do in the Big Apple. Whatever that might be. I'm sure there won't be a problem finding stuff to do.

We are planning on going up to BHAM sometime too. We have a lot of family there and 2 family members that have birthdays in July! It's always a good time when we are there. AND....

.. I want to make a trip to Nashville to see Katie's new casa and city! I'm hoping we can do that soon too!

Yes. Life is Good!

And some of my randomness. This is what happens when you leave your camera in the backseat with your 3 year old. You get pictures of yourself driving down the road...



Landon Donovan is a hero. 

Everyone in Auburn is celebrating USA's amazing win against Algeria! WOO HOO! I was in class during the game, but we have a cool professor that let us get updates during class. Near the end of class (when Landon Donovan scored) the girl across from me jumps out of her desk and starts yelling, "We scored!!!" Everyone was freaking out! The Tichenor Hall lounge was full with professors and students and everyone was going crazy! So fun! After class I was driving to go pick up Libby and I saw this..

 I was driving downtown and saw these boys walking down the sidewalk having a good ole' time celebrating. I  decided I had to get a picture of this. So I was trying to be all discrete about taking the picture, but cell phones don't take fast pictures. So after failing about 3 times. I just stopped the car and put my phone up and they came running to my window cheering. I was cracking up. Like I stopped traffic for a minute and it was awesome!

Go USA!! 

And Happy Hump Day!


Happy Birthday Who!

Today is my Dad's birthday! We celebrated yesterday at the lake with all of our family. It was so much fun. Dad got some pretty cool presents. He got a navigation system for his car, so he won't get lost wherever he goes. Not that he got lost before, it's just a good thing to have just in case. He also got a new shirt and a new camera! I'm jealous of the camera. I want one so bad! I only have the Canon Powershot, doesn't take as good of pictures as the big nice ones.

That is on my birthday or Christmas list this year. Too bad my birthday isn't until November. That reminds me. I always wanted my Dad's birthday when I was little. I was always jealous of his birthday because it was the first official day of summer. Sounded like so much fun! I always wanted a pool party for my birthday. Such a tough life I had because I didn't have a summer birthday. I actually got a pool party when I was like 6 or 7. Two of my girlfriends growing up had birthdays in November and December, so they felt me with wanting a pool party. So we had a very early birthday party in the summer. 

What a drama queen I was. I'm sure I pitched a fit because my mother didn't birth me in June, July or August. I'm sure pay back is coming my way. I think it's already started actually. Three year olds do have drama. Don't worry though, I've grown to like my birthday month the older I get. November is a good month I decided years ago. OK. Back to the real reason for this post.


Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you so much! You are an amazing father and I couldn't ask for anything better! You're the best!

* Added later- Pictures from Dad's Birthday/ Father's Day at the lake.


Happy Father's Day!

 Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful father's out there! Especially these Daddy's:

I don't know what I would do without these amazing men. Seriously! They are the best Dad's (and Granddad's) a girl could ask for. They are the most caring and loving men I know. Nolen and I wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for Who and Papa. They are truly the best!

And Nolen is pretty good too. :-) Kidding. Nolen, you are such a good Dad to our sweet Libby. It is the sweetest thing ever to see you love on Libby. You are amazing, and Libby and I don't know what we would do without you! She is definitely a Daddy's girl and I love it!


My Obsessions

Children's clothing! Especially girls. I mean I have no reason to be buying boy clothes, so of course I love little girls clothes. But I do think that little boys clothes are precious too. When I browse the world wide web I always find myself looking at children's clothes more than clothes for me! I guess that's what happens when you have kids. :-) They're just so darn cute! I've recently been looking at crewcuts. I would consider their clothes aimed more towards older girls. That's my opinion though, I just like babies and toddlers in sweet pastel smocked clothes. But when Libby gets older, I could so see her wearing these things. And whenever Nolen reads this post I'm sure he will fall out of his chair when he sees the prices on some of these things. :-)

Cute, right?!? I say these clothes are aimed towards older girls, but Libby could so rock the bathing suits! And the Hunter rain boots. We could be twins! Mother/Daughter matching rain boots. Do they have men Hunter rain boots? We could be a little Hunter rain boot family. I'm TOTALLY kidding. That would not fly with me or Nolen. And what baby needs J.Brand denim shorts?? I didn't get my first pair of designer jeans until I was in a high school!

I'm so going to be in trouble if we have all girls. Thank goodness for Grandmommies! :-)


Kind of...

Yay for it being the weekend!... and super HOT outside!! Thank goodness for the pool!

( Even though our pool feels like bath water. )



...with Strawberry Shortcake. This is a picture from this morning when she was reading. Some choose to read the newspaper in the morning. Some choose to read Strawberry Shortcake. I think it's definitely safe to say that she has an obsession with Strawberry Shortcake.



Why do I get so excited about this trash?!?!

Camp Bessie and Scott's

Libby spent Friday night with Bessie and Papa. That was the day the AC broke and the AC man didn't leave until like 4:30, and Bessie was coming to Auburn in the morning anyway so she could bring Lib with her. Nolen and I enjoyed another night childless, but we sure were missing our girl! Libby had so much fun at Bessie and Papa's house of course! She sure is blessed with some awesome grandparents that both live on the lake!

Showing Papa some love!

If you notice the picture that Libby has in every picture, that is a picture from Sandy Thompson's birthday party that Sasa and Bessie went to. All the ladies are wearing fun hats! Libby loves getting to look at Sasa and Bessie in the same picture!

And... She crashes! With her wings on.

On Saturday morning Bessie and I headed to Atlanta to go to Scott's Antique Mall. This was both of ours first experience. I've heard good things about it from different people, so I was excited to go and see! The real reason to why we went was because for mine and Nolen's Christmas we asked for new bedside tables. Our bedside tables look terrible together and we've had them in our room for almost 3 years, and it was just about to drive me crazy that they looked so bad. Nolen (like most men) didn't even notice they didn't match until I brought it to his attention. So I guess this was mainly MY Christmas present. We finally found something that I loved. After going through the South building the last row of booths we went on is where I found this:

This is a terrible picture of it. The flash on my camera makes it more of a lighter color. It is from the 1800s and a very valuable piece said the lady who MB bought it from!

Here is a better picture with it in it's place:

I love it! And I love that we have more storage. We were running out of storage in our closet. So, after almost 6 months I finally found something that I loved! I take my time on picking out big stuff like this. I want to make sure I can live with it forever!

Thanks Bessie and Papa! I love it. :-)



Probably Libby's favorite day of the week. She so looks forward to going to church every Sunday. Probably because she has awesome Sunday School teachers that love her and she loves them. We saw Mrs. Judy at lunch today and she said that Libby very proudly sang "Jesus Loves Me" with all of the hand motions today during Sunday School, and she's learning John 3:16. She almost has it down, but there are some big words that she gets stuck on sometimes. We are also learning several more verses for Summer Enrichment in a few weeks at AUMC .

One thing that I love about Sundays is Libby gets to wear mine and my sisters dresses that my mom and grandmother smocked for us when we were little girls. It's so special to see my little girl in the dresses that I wore when I was a little girl. That's one of my most favorite things about having a little girl. There just so much fun to dress! Especially when you have a lot of beautiful hand made dresses for them to wear! 

I was talking to my Dad the other day and I told him that I wouldn't mind having all girls because we have everything for girls, and we wouldn't have to spend much money on clothes since we have everything. He quickly reminded me that might be the case when they are young, but when they get older they cost a heck of a lot more money than boys! I guess he would be the one to know since he had 2 girls and 1 boy! :-)

Happy Sunday!


Camp Sasa

Libby spent the night with Sasa and Who on Thursday night. She was so excited about going to lake to see  her sweet grandparents! Libby was invited to Katherine Graham and Ava's birthday party on Friday morning at the lake, so my mom took her because I had class that morning. My mom said that Libby loved the birthday party! It was a Mermaid party, so of course Libby would love it because the Mermaid is a princess! Libby has been talking about it since she got home. She had an absolute blast! 

There was a "real" mermaid there!!

Hate I had to miss the birthday party. It was such a cute party!

I'll post later about what she did at Camp Bessie!

**And the AC is working again! I thought I was going to die yesterday while I patiently waited for the AC man to arrive. It was an hour and a half after the time he told me he was coming when he came. Lucky us, the motor broke in the fan. Not so cheap to fix either.  I was sweating like crazy. Not fun having your AC out in the HOT Alabama heat! The phone and TV are working too. Thank goodness! Everything is good now in the Lamberth house! :-)


This & That

The Lib is worn out! She had a big day. We had a pool lunch date today, and she had her last day of dance today. That will wear a child out! We had a lot of fun at the pool. It was just the two of us, and it was oh so nice! I tried to get her to do some "swimming" with me, but she just wasn't feeling very brave. She is very cautious around the water. Different story if you asked me last summer. I think after last years swimming lessons when they dunked her under water, she decided that she just wasn't ready for that yet! So we played on the steps instead. Which she is wonderful at- She'll even let me lay out with friends, and she will entertain herself for a little while.

We ate lunch first though- Nothing better than a peanut butter sandwich and a banana.

Then we went for the pool.

And played and played until we couldn't play anymore...

 She had her last day of dance at 3:30 today, so we managed to get home and rest for a bit before. The parents were able to come watch the last 30 minutes of class to see what they had learned. All I have to say is I'm glad my mom and I peaked through the door during the first 30 minutes of class. She had a major melt down during the "performance" of their 2 dances. Stage fright at it's best. 

But I'm still so very proud of her because I saw what she learned during the past 5 weeks. I would always get there a few minutes early each time and peak through the door. It was so fun! 

She's a good little dancer that can shake her hips like no ones business! I didn't take any pictures during the dance, or take videos because I was trying to encourage her through the whole dance. Poor little thing was just so overwhelmed!

Isn't that a sweet picture! Libby with all of her dancing buddies and sweet teacher Mrs. Helen.

And OHH-- Did you notice?? 

Yes. I joined the twitter world! Now y'all get to see useless information about me and what I do all day. It always sounded so silly to me to just have "status updates" of what you are doing. But I've found it  to be very fun! Who knew!? Tweet me if you have Twitter- I'd love to know that I'm not the only one out there that has Twitter. :-)



Life is Good.

Life is indeed Good! And there are lots of reasons why.

1. Summer- and the lake
... it's summer! Because of 2 things. Well, June 21st marks the first day of summer, and I'm DONE with school! Yahoo! If I could just only get rid of this nasty cold I have goin' on. I sound like a chain smoker which isn't fun at all. I came down with this nasty cold last Monday, so It's been a full week of not feeling 100%. But the main thing is I got through my final with a good grade. :-) Always feels good when you've studied so hard, then it pays off in the end. Nothing like it.

We spent this past weekend at the lake. Nolen played in the WP Club Championship. Libby and I hung out. Saw friends, went to the pool, went on the lake, took long naps, went to Church in the Pines, played inside while the afternoon showers came in. Not really showers though- more like down poors. It was a good weekend, and we are headed back on Friday for the 4th! The 4th of July isn't the same without the lake. I've always been at the lake on the 4th, except one time. 2 years ago when we went to Maine with Nolen's family. Totally worth in though! Such a beautiful place. I should post some pictures of the trip. Since I didn't have a blog then, I don't have a way of documenting it. I'll do that soon.

2. A great husband with a job.
Nolen still likes his job. The commute isn't bad at all. He actually likes the time by himself in the car. 'Cause we all know that's his only time to himself. Which is needed. He can renergize himself before he comes home to us. We miss him during the day, and sometimes Libby asks, "Where Daddy go?" Then she quickly remembers that he's in "Gomery" aka Montgomery. We like it just the 2 of us though. I feel more productive, and it's feels so good.

We are planning a trip to "Gomery" soon to have lunch with him, and maybe look around The Name Dropper. Keyword "look around". This girl doesn't need any clothes...OR do we need to be spending money on clothes she doesn't need. I remember going to the Name Dropper when I was a young girl. Probably to get a Easter dress that I didn't want to wear. My mom dressed us in beautiful clothes, and of course I didn't appreciate them then, but now I love all of my clothes that my mom forced me to wear. :-) Bessie shops there a lot, and I don't mind one bit. Everything in there is so cute! Lib sure is blessed with "Grandmudders" (What Libby says when you ask her what Sasa and Bessie are) that buy cute clothes for her! My mom owns a gift shop in Alex City named Cloud Nine. She is lucky to be able to get all the cute name brand clothes at market, so you can only imagine between Sasa, Bessie and hand me downs the girl has plenty of clothes. So maybe just a "look around" at The Name Dropper would be good.

3. Quiet time.

I just love summer afternoons. It's full of quiet time, napping (most days), reading, no TV (I'm beginning to get really annoyed with the TV during the day) , laundry, ironing (Which happens a lot around her now), planning what I'll cook for dinner. And it's usually quiet when I do all those things. Which is so refreshing after a morning of having cartoons on in the background, running around town, going to the pool, there's always something.

4. Summer projects.

 I have several projects I'm planning on doing while I'm out of school. My Mom and I moved Libby's changing table out of her room a few weeks ago, since she doesn't need it anymore. Tear. I can't wait to put that changing table back up some day. Not now, but definitely in the future! Got to check school of the list first. Anyway- We put a book case where the changing table used to go, but it's yellow. So, I'm going to paint it white to match her room.

I'm going to make hair bows. I got all the ribbon, hot glue gun, clips, etc. in like February. Yeah, I don't know what happened to my plan, but it's going to happen very soon!

A headboard- I made one last summer, but I need another one for the guest bedroom. I got the plywood and batting in like January or February. Don't know what happened to that plan either, but it is going to happen. I have no excuse.

I'm going to continue to learn how to sew, and smock! My grandmother is going to be my teacher. We have been talking about this for I don't know how long, but I can't wait!

5. Summer trips.

Libby and I are going to Pensacola on Wednesday with my parents to see my grandmother Mimi! Unfortunately Nolen can't come because of that J.O.B that we are so greatful he has. I haven't seen her since last summer, and I can't wait to see her! Libby misses her so much. And we are hoping to see Libby's cousins McColl and Lucy while we are there. We are coming back on Thursday, so it will be a very quick trip.

In July Bessie, Kasi and I are heading to the Big Apple for some fun! We are going to some plays and do stuff that you do in the Big Apple. Whatever that might be. I'm sure there won't be a problem finding stuff to do.

We are planning on going up to BHAM sometime too. We have a lot of family there and 2 family members that have birthdays in July! It's always a good time when we are there. AND....

.. I want to make a trip to Nashville to see Katie's new casa and city! I'm hoping we can do that soon too!

Yes. Life is Good!

And some of my randomness. This is what happens when you leave your camera in the backseat with your 3 year old. You get pictures of yourself driving down the road...



Landon Donovan is a hero. 

Everyone in Auburn is celebrating USA's amazing win against Algeria! WOO HOO! I was in class during the game, but we have a cool professor that let us get updates during class. Near the end of class (when Landon Donovan scored) the girl across from me jumps out of her desk and starts yelling, "We scored!!!" Everyone was freaking out! The Tichenor Hall lounge was full with professors and students and everyone was going crazy! So fun! After class I was driving to go pick up Libby and I saw this..

 I was driving downtown and saw these boys walking down the sidewalk having a good ole' time celebrating. I  decided I had to get a picture of this. So I was trying to be all discrete about taking the picture, but cell phones don't take fast pictures. So after failing about 3 times. I just stopped the car and put my phone up and they came running to my window cheering. I was cracking up. Like I stopped traffic for a minute and it was awesome!

Go USA!! 

And Happy Hump Day!


Happy Birthday Who!

Today is my Dad's birthday! We celebrated yesterday at the lake with all of our family. It was so much fun. Dad got some pretty cool presents. He got a navigation system for his car, so he won't get lost wherever he goes. Not that he got lost before, it's just a good thing to have just in case. He also got a new shirt and a new camera! I'm jealous of the camera. I want one so bad! I only have the Canon Powershot, doesn't take as good of pictures as the big nice ones.

That is on my birthday or Christmas list this year. Too bad my birthday isn't until November. That reminds me. I always wanted my Dad's birthday when I was little. I was always jealous of his birthday because it was the first official day of summer. Sounded like so much fun! I always wanted a pool party for my birthday. Such a tough life I had because I didn't have a summer birthday. I actually got a pool party when I was like 6 or 7. Two of my girlfriends growing up had birthdays in November and December, so they felt me with wanting a pool party. So we had a very early birthday party in the summer. 

What a drama queen I was. I'm sure I pitched a fit because my mother didn't birth me in June, July or August. I'm sure pay back is coming my way. I think it's already started actually. Three year olds do have drama. Don't worry though, I've grown to like my birthday month the older I get. November is a good month I decided years ago. OK. Back to the real reason for this post.


Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you so much! You are an amazing father and I couldn't ask for anything better! You're the best!

* Added later- Pictures from Dad's Birthday/ Father's Day at the lake.


Happy Father's Day!

 Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful father's out there! Especially these Daddy's:

I don't know what I would do without these amazing men. Seriously! They are the best Dad's (and Granddad's) a girl could ask for. They are the most caring and loving men I know. Nolen and I wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for Who and Papa. They are truly the best!

And Nolen is pretty good too. :-) Kidding. Nolen, you are such a good Dad to our sweet Libby. It is the sweetest thing ever to see you love on Libby. You are amazing, and Libby and I don't know what we would do without you! She is definitely a Daddy's girl and I love it!


My Obsessions

Children's clothing! Especially girls. I mean I have no reason to be buying boy clothes, so of course I love little girls clothes. But I do think that little boys clothes are precious too. When I browse the world wide web I always find myself looking at children's clothes more than clothes for me! I guess that's what happens when you have kids. :-) They're just so darn cute! I've recently been looking at crewcuts. I would consider their clothes aimed more towards older girls. That's my opinion though, I just like babies and toddlers in sweet pastel smocked clothes. But when Libby gets older, I could so see her wearing these things. And whenever Nolen reads this post I'm sure he will fall out of his chair when he sees the prices on some of these things. :-)

Cute, right?!? I say these clothes are aimed towards older girls, but Libby could so rock the bathing suits! And the Hunter rain boots. We could be twins! Mother/Daughter matching rain boots. Do they have men Hunter rain boots? We could be a little Hunter rain boot family. I'm TOTALLY kidding. That would not fly with me or Nolen. And what baby needs J.Brand denim shorts?? I didn't get my first pair of designer jeans until I was in a high school!

I'm so going to be in trouble if we have all girls. Thank goodness for Grandmommies! :-)


Kind of...

Yay for it being the weekend!... and super HOT outside!! Thank goodness for the pool!

( Even though our pool feels like bath water. )



...with Strawberry Shortcake. This is a picture from this morning when she was reading. Some choose to read the newspaper in the morning. Some choose to read Strawberry Shortcake. I think it's definitely safe to say that she has an obsession with Strawberry Shortcake.



Why do I get so excited about this trash?!?!

Camp Bessie and Scott's

Libby spent Friday night with Bessie and Papa. That was the day the AC broke and the AC man didn't leave until like 4:30, and Bessie was coming to Auburn in the morning anyway so she could bring Lib with her. Nolen and I enjoyed another night childless, but we sure were missing our girl! Libby had so much fun at Bessie and Papa's house of course! She sure is blessed with some awesome grandparents that both live on the lake!

Showing Papa some love!

If you notice the picture that Libby has in every picture, that is a picture from Sandy Thompson's birthday party that Sasa and Bessie went to. All the ladies are wearing fun hats! Libby loves getting to look at Sasa and Bessie in the same picture!

And... She crashes! With her wings on.

On Saturday morning Bessie and I headed to Atlanta to go to Scott's Antique Mall. This was both of ours first experience. I've heard good things about it from different people, so I was excited to go and see! The real reason to why we went was because for mine and Nolen's Christmas we asked for new bedside tables. Our bedside tables look terrible together and we've had them in our room for almost 3 years, and it was just about to drive me crazy that they looked so bad. Nolen (like most men) didn't even notice they didn't match until I brought it to his attention. So I guess this was mainly MY Christmas present. We finally found something that I loved. After going through the South building the last row of booths we went on is where I found this:

This is a terrible picture of it. The flash on my camera makes it more of a lighter color. It is from the 1800s and a very valuable piece said the lady who MB bought it from!

Here is a better picture with it in it's place:

I love it! And I love that we have more storage. We were running out of storage in our closet. So, after almost 6 months I finally found something that I loved! I take my time on picking out big stuff like this. I want to make sure I can live with it forever!

Thanks Bessie and Papa! I love it. :-)



Probably Libby's favorite day of the week. She so looks forward to going to church every Sunday. Probably because she has awesome Sunday School teachers that love her and she loves them. We saw Mrs. Judy at lunch today and she said that Libby very proudly sang "Jesus Loves Me" with all of the hand motions today during Sunday School, and she's learning John 3:16. She almost has it down, but there are some big words that she gets stuck on sometimes. We are also learning several more verses for Summer Enrichment in a few weeks at AUMC .

One thing that I love about Sundays is Libby gets to wear mine and my sisters dresses that my mom and grandmother smocked for us when we were little girls. It's so special to see my little girl in the dresses that I wore when I was a little girl. That's one of my most favorite things about having a little girl. There just so much fun to dress! Especially when you have a lot of beautiful hand made dresses for them to wear! 

I was talking to my Dad the other day and I told him that I wouldn't mind having all girls because we have everything for girls, and we wouldn't have to spend much money on clothes since we have everything. He quickly reminded me that might be the case when they are young, but when they get older they cost a heck of a lot more money than boys! I guess he would be the one to know since he had 2 girls and 1 boy! :-)

Happy Sunday!


Camp Sasa

Libby spent the night with Sasa and Who on Thursday night. She was so excited about going to lake to see  her sweet grandparents! Libby was invited to Katherine Graham and Ava's birthday party on Friday morning at the lake, so my mom took her because I had class that morning. My mom said that Libby loved the birthday party! It was a Mermaid party, so of course Libby would love it because the Mermaid is a princess! Libby has been talking about it since she got home. She had an absolute blast! 

There was a "real" mermaid there!!

Hate I had to miss the birthday party. It was such a cute party!

I'll post later about what she did at Camp Bessie!

**And the AC is working again! I thought I was going to die yesterday while I patiently waited for the AC man to arrive. It was an hour and a half after the time he told me he was coming when he came. Lucky us, the motor broke in the fan. Not so cheap to fix either.  I was sweating like crazy. Not fun having your AC out in the HOT Alabama heat! The phone and TV are working too. Thank goodness! Everything is good now in the Lamberth house! :-)