

The Lib turns 3 and a half today! Seems like yesterday I was posting about her turning 2 and a half. It just doesn't seem possible for her third year of life to be half way finished. I can't believe she will be FOUR in 6 short months. 

Libby is such a blessing to Nolen and me. We can hardly remember life without her!  She is such a joy to us, and I love being able to stay at home with her. 

Can you guess what was for dinner? Spaghetti! One of the very few "real" meals she will eat. Carrot puree was in it too. Shhh... Don't tell Nolen! :-)
And Libby wasn't so sure about this outfit this morning because it's not Auburn colors... She is DEFINITELY her Daddy's child.

Some things she is doing at 3 and a half... She's a busy girl!

- goes to preschool 3 days a week and gymnastics 1 day a week. 
- can spell her name like a pro
- can almost write her name (she's got the "L" down pat) 
- favorite color is green
- favorite princess is Ariel (she's still talking about this birthday party)
- loves her Daddy so much (and looks just like him)
- likes to go eat lunch in "Gomery" with her Daddy
- favorite sport is basketball
-Favorite team... I don't think I have to answer that one.
-LOVES Strawberry Shortcake
-loves to be read to...  We read 4-5 books at bedtime, some favorites: Pinkalicious, Richard Scarry, Strawberry Shortcake, Cinderella
- she likes to pick out her clothes (sometimes it's a fun thing and sometimes it's not so much of a fun thing) :)
- won't eat anything until we say the blessing at the dinner table.
- won't eat anything even after we say the blessing.
- she has nice manners (most of the time) she says "No Fhank you" even when she's mad
- she says her favorite things at school are: playing outside, playing kitchen with Emily and painting
- can make a mess in 2.5 seconds (but what 3-year-old can't?)
- loves doing her arabesque 
- can do a forward roll
- very outgoing happy girl, but if you put her in front of a crowd or stranger she gets very shy
- she is one loved little girl that makes life so fun!

 We love you so much Libby!! Happy half birthday!


DIY projects: fabric covered table & bookcase

I feel like I've become a DIYholic lately. I've always liked to have different projects going, but I guess I've just gotten more confident with my skills as a DIYer. It's a ton of fun to me to work on projects. I could do it all day! But unfortunately my budget for Home Improvement/DIY projects goes faster than I would like it to. I'm really lucky to live next door to a handy man that helped me with this project I've been wanting to do for awhile. How it all happened...

 I found this really awesome no sew skirted table on The Newlywed Diaries blog. I thought about it for a minute and realized there is no way I can make this table. I don't think it looks hard, but I've never made anything like that in my life! Then I got to thinking about someone who could do it... My neighbor! He's always outside building stuff and doing stuff that handy men do. So, I asked him if he would help me. I showed him the picture and he very nicely accepted! He was so happy! He's retired, in his mid 70s and loves to do handy work. Perfect! He built this for me in no time at all!

I was pretty excited! He used all scrap wood from his shop, and I paid him for the nails. I wanted so badly to pay the man something, but he said he wouldn't accept anything! How nice, but I still feel like I should do something. 

That night when Nolen got home from work he helped me move it into the guest room. It fit perfectly!

 All I did was staple the fabric around the top of the table. So easy to do! It's definitely not perfect, but it works.  Tip- Iron the fabric (if it needs it) BEFORE you staple it to the table. I learned the hard way on this one. See...

Still a little wrinkled, but it looks better.

 Love having more storage options... need another plastic drawer for the other side.

I'm so pleased with the way it turned out. Just as I had imagined... Maybe even better! :-) Now I've just got to make my bulletin board all pretty and finish organizing all my stuff. And here is the finished product of my bookcase...

I'm so glad I saw this post on Little Green Notebook where she paints the backs of the bookcases Benjamin Moore-Horizon. I loved the way it looked and brought some color to the room. Our living room could definitely use some color! It was super easy(and cheap) to do. I just got a tester of the BM-Horizon and that was all I needed. Testers are a little under $3... PERFECT for my budget!

Next project- curtains for living room for under $20.

Happy Tuesday!


Auburn vs. S. Carolina

This past weekend we went to the Auburn/S. Carolina game! It was another night game. Thankfully it was  a lot cooler than last week, but it was still pretty hot. Blakely and Chance went to the game with us, and it was so fun! My parents kept Libby so we could tailgate and go to the game. We headed to campus middle afternoon and went to Ted and Ashley's tailgate. They do it right when it comes to tailgating! Lots of food, TV, tents... It was a pretty nice set-up!

Blakely, Me, Ashley, Shealy and Laura Ann

Then we headed towards the stadium. The eagle flew.... a little too close for comfort. We are further left compared to this picture, so we were all like, "Is this eagle about to fly into the stands?" It was crazy! Nolen and I laughed at this picture last night. Look at everyones facial expressions. Looks like the man right beside the eagle wanted to give him a high five, one lady looks like she's choking and guy in navy looks like this is an everyday happening for him. So funny!

Thankfully Auburn won! It was a pretty intense game. It felt like dija vu from last week. 

After the game- Blakely, Chance, Me and Nolen

I look so rough in these pictures! And thanks for letting me borrow steal your pictures. I was sad I forgot my camera. Can't wait for next weeks game! We're taking Libby and she's sooo excited! And we get to see Lindsey cheer for the first time at half time! 


Fall has got me...

thinking about my...

Frye boots...

J Brand jeans...

 J.Crew pea coat...

Hurry up fall... Playing outside isn't near as fun when it's in the 90s!

{happy weekend}


{The Sweetest Thing}

Walking into Libby's room after lunch and watching her color while she sings the weather song... {At school during "group time" they work on the days of the week, weather, etc. and they have a song they sing with the weather} Super cute to watch her sing. She sings it with all she has in her! I think it's so cute how kids take things like that so seriously. Nothing makes me happier.

Then I mentioned going to the park to her and she melted my heart again... How excited does she look? If you could only hear her sweet little squeal...

  That is the cutest, happiest face I've ever seen!

I mean you would have thought she had never been to the park before.

Happiest little girl I've ever seen.

We went to the park and had so much fun that we didn't take any pictures. I wouldn't want to spend a Thursday afternoon anywhere else but with this girl at the park!



I thought I would never get away from painting bookcases during the playroom makeover. But of course my brain started spinning again, and I painted the last bookcase that I had. I painted it the same color as the other 2 bookcases. Learning to use what I already have!

I have a place in mind in the living room of where I want to put it, it's just getting it there. It's a very heavy piece, and I always forget at the end of the day to ask Nolen to help me move it in the house. Hopefully I won't forget tomorrow! :-)

Love the polka dot wallpaper on the back on this bookcase.

Really like this one and the pictures randomly placed in the bookcase. And I like the gold letters A. S. H near the bottom.

Like the green painted background on this one, brings a little more color to it.  Looks very clean and easy to do!

all images via Lonny

Be back soon to show you how it turns out. I hope it will look as good as I am imagining!


Auburn vs. Clemson

We kicked off the 3rd weekend of football season by doing a little tailgating. And boy was it hot! We were even under some big shady trees, and it was still so hot! I'm not sure I believe fall is coming... The first weekend of football season was such a teaser!

We tailgating on Samford lawn. It was a perfect little spot. Nolen, Libby and I went to mark a spot on Friday night, but we ended up moving over a little under trees. I'm glad we did!

We had fun though, despite the hot weather. Libby loved being in Auburn. (She doesn't think she's in Auburn unless it's on campus.) She colored a lot with her new princess coloring book and markers...

We went to J&M and Libby got a tiger paw painted on her cheek... She was so proud of it!

There was a big Aubie next to our tailgate. Libby was excited about seeing "Aubie".

Family picture... We're getting better at family pictures!

Lots of food...

Can't you tell we were a little hot!?

Then we all packed up and headed to the game. Bessie kept Libby at our house so we could go to the game.  This was the only picture I got at the game... I wasn't about to ask Nolen to take a picture with me. He was a little stressed out during the game! Auburn won though, and I was really glad!    A.)  I just wanted Auburn to win and B.)  I don't like Nolen in a bad/sad mood. 

We sat in the upper deck seats, which I now like better because there is a lot more room. I was a little nervous at first ( I HATE heights). Like HATE them... As long as I'm not on the front row I'm good. I used to not be like this... I think having a child made me have this fear. Anyway...

War Eagle and Happy Monday!


The Closet: {Part 2}

Ok, I finally got my act together and took pictures of the "after" of our closet. I can't believe it took me so long to do this. I guess life just got in the way... (That tends to happen a lot... :-) I'm so happy the way our closet turned out. Makes me feel better that everything has a place! Getting dressed is a whole lot easier too. 

So... after about 5 trash bags to Goodwill, some clothes to Platos closet, and just throwing away stuff that we don't use, we can finally walk into our closet! Yay! Who knew that walking into a closet was such a challenge??

Ok some before pictures.... I'm cringing right now...

Just awful.... I have no words.

I wouldn't dare show these pictures unless I had a really good after. So here it is...

Behind the door...

And a little trick I learned, roll up magazines and stick them in your boots to make the stand up! So clever. You can also use water bottles.

And behind the door... I couldn't get the whole door in the picture.

And a little side by side comparison...

Such a transformation, and I'm so glad it's over!!

And thought I would share what Libby's lunch looked like today...

Mmmm, macaroni and cheese, grapes and sprinkles.

I had no idea she did this until after the fact. Now that she can open and close the pantry door she has easy access to everything on the lower part of the door. And of course the sprinkles were right where she could reach. 

At least the macaroni and cheese had carrot puree in it...

Happy weekend!



Happy Birthday Little Ole' Blog!

I started this blog one year ago today, and I'm so glad I did! It has been such a fun way to document everything from sweet Libby to all of my DIY projects. I hope to continue documenting all this fun stuff (don't worry our life isn't fun all the time, but who wants to remember all the bad times?? Not me!) so Libby will be able to read all of this when she is older.

So Happy Birthday little ole' blog, it's been a great first year! 


Two Things.

Target's new line just came out September 12th, Tucker by Gaby Basora. I walked in Target yesterday and I got a quick look at some of the line. Cute, cute! Here are some favorites that hopefully will find a way to my "new" closet. :-)

And the new season of Dancing with the Stars starts next Monday, September 20th. So excited! Some of the cast include Brandy, Audrina Patridge, Florence Henderson, Bristol Palin, Mike from Jersey Shore, David Hassellhoff, Kurt Warner and I think I'm missing some. I can't wait to see how this season turns out!



The Lib turns 3 and a half today! Seems like yesterday I was posting about her turning 2 and a half. It just doesn't seem possible for her third year of life to be half way finished. I can't believe she will be FOUR in 6 short months. 

Libby is such a blessing to Nolen and me. We can hardly remember life without her!  She is such a joy to us, and I love being able to stay at home with her. 

Can you guess what was for dinner? Spaghetti! One of the very few "real" meals she will eat. Carrot puree was in it too. Shhh... Don't tell Nolen! :-)
And Libby wasn't so sure about this outfit this morning because it's not Auburn colors... She is DEFINITELY her Daddy's child.

Some things she is doing at 3 and a half... She's a busy girl!

- goes to preschool 3 days a week and gymnastics 1 day a week. 
- can spell her name like a pro
- can almost write her name (she's got the "L" down pat) 
- favorite color is green
- favorite princess is Ariel (she's still talking about this birthday party)
- loves her Daddy so much (and looks just like him)
- likes to go eat lunch in "Gomery" with her Daddy
- favorite sport is basketball
-Favorite team... I don't think I have to answer that one.
-LOVES Strawberry Shortcake
-loves to be read to...  We read 4-5 books at bedtime, some favorites: Pinkalicious, Richard Scarry, Strawberry Shortcake, Cinderella
- she likes to pick out her clothes (sometimes it's a fun thing and sometimes it's not so much of a fun thing) :)
- won't eat anything until we say the blessing at the dinner table.
- won't eat anything even after we say the blessing.
- she has nice manners (most of the time) she says "No Fhank you" even when she's mad
- she says her favorite things at school are: playing outside, playing kitchen with Emily and painting
- can make a mess in 2.5 seconds (but what 3-year-old can't?)
- loves doing her arabesque 
- can do a forward roll
- very outgoing happy girl, but if you put her in front of a crowd or stranger she gets very shy
- she is one loved little girl that makes life so fun!

 We love you so much Libby!! Happy half birthday!


DIY projects: fabric covered table & bookcase

I feel like I've become a DIYholic lately. I've always liked to have different projects going, but I guess I've just gotten more confident with my skills as a DIYer. It's a ton of fun to me to work on projects. I could do it all day! But unfortunately my budget for Home Improvement/DIY projects goes faster than I would like it to. I'm really lucky to live next door to a handy man that helped me with this project I've been wanting to do for awhile. How it all happened...

 I found this really awesome no sew skirted table on The Newlywed Diaries blog. I thought about it for a minute and realized there is no way I can make this table. I don't think it looks hard, but I've never made anything like that in my life! Then I got to thinking about someone who could do it... My neighbor! He's always outside building stuff and doing stuff that handy men do. So, I asked him if he would help me. I showed him the picture and he very nicely accepted! He was so happy! He's retired, in his mid 70s and loves to do handy work. Perfect! He built this for me in no time at all!

I was pretty excited! He used all scrap wood from his shop, and I paid him for the nails. I wanted so badly to pay the man something, but he said he wouldn't accept anything! How nice, but I still feel like I should do something. 

That night when Nolen got home from work he helped me move it into the guest room. It fit perfectly!

 All I did was staple the fabric around the top of the table. So easy to do! It's definitely not perfect, but it works.  Tip- Iron the fabric (if it needs it) BEFORE you staple it to the table. I learned the hard way on this one. See...

Still a little wrinkled, but it looks better.

 Love having more storage options... need another plastic drawer for the other side.

I'm so pleased with the way it turned out. Just as I had imagined... Maybe even better! :-) Now I've just got to make my bulletin board all pretty and finish organizing all my stuff. And here is the finished product of my bookcase...

I'm so glad I saw this post on Little Green Notebook where she paints the backs of the bookcases Benjamin Moore-Horizon. I loved the way it looked and brought some color to the room. Our living room could definitely use some color! It was super easy(and cheap) to do. I just got a tester of the BM-Horizon and that was all I needed. Testers are a little under $3... PERFECT for my budget!

Next project- curtains for living room for under $20.

Happy Tuesday!


Auburn vs. S. Carolina

This past weekend we went to the Auburn/S. Carolina game! It was another night game. Thankfully it was  a lot cooler than last week, but it was still pretty hot. Blakely and Chance went to the game with us, and it was so fun! My parents kept Libby so we could tailgate and go to the game. We headed to campus middle afternoon and went to Ted and Ashley's tailgate. They do it right when it comes to tailgating! Lots of food, TV, tents... It was a pretty nice set-up!

Blakely, Me, Ashley, Shealy and Laura Ann

Then we headed towards the stadium. The eagle flew.... a little too close for comfort. We are further left compared to this picture, so we were all like, "Is this eagle about to fly into the stands?" It was crazy! Nolen and I laughed at this picture last night. Look at everyones facial expressions. Looks like the man right beside the eagle wanted to give him a high five, one lady looks like she's choking and guy in navy looks like this is an everyday happening for him. So funny!

Thankfully Auburn won! It was a pretty intense game. It felt like dija vu from last week. 

After the game- Blakely, Chance, Me and Nolen

I look so rough in these pictures! And thanks for letting me borrow steal your pictures. I was sad I forgot my camera. Can't wait for next weeks game! We're taking Libby and she's sooo excited! And we get to see Lindsey cheer for the first time at half time! 


Fall has got me...

thinking about my...

Frye boots...

J Brand jeans...

 J.Crew pea coat...

Hurry up fall... Playing outside isn't near as fun when it's in the 90s!

{happy weekend}


{The Sweetest Thing}

Walking into Libby's room after lunch and watching her color while she sings the weather song... {At school during "group time" they work on the days of the week, weather, etc. and they have a song they sing with the weather} Super cute to watch her sing. She sings it with all she has in her! I think it's so cute how kids take things like that so seriously. Nothing makes me happier.

Then I mentioned going to the park to her and she melted my heart again... How excited does she look? If you could only hear her sweet little squeal...

  That is the cutest, happiest face I've ever seen!

I mean you would have thought she had never been to the park before.

Happiest little girl I've ever seen.

We went to the park and had so much fun that we didn't take any pictures. I wouldn't want to spend a Thursday afternoon anywhere else but with this girl at the park!



I thought I would never get away from painting bookcases during the playroom makeover. But of course my brain started spinning again, and I painted the last bookcase that I had. I painted it the same color as the other 2 bookcases. Learning to use what I already have!

I have a place in mind in the living room of where I want to put it, it's just getting it there. It's a very heavy piece, and I always forget at the end of the day to ask Nolen to help me move it in the house. Hopefully I won't forget tomorrow! :-)

Love the polka dot wallpaper on the back on this bookcase.

Really like this one and the pictures randomly placed in the bookcase. And I like the gold letters A. S. H near the bottom.

Like the green painted background on this one, brings a little more color to it.  Looks very clean and easy to do!

all images via Lonny

Be back soon to show you how it turns out. I hope it will look as good as I am imagining!


Auburn vs. Clemson

We kicked off the 3rd weekend of football season by doing a little tailgating. And boy was it hot! We were even under some big shady trees, and it was still so hot! I'm not sure I believe fall is coming... The first weekend of football season was such a teaser!

We tailgating on Samford lawn. It was a perfect little spot. Nolen, Libby and I went to mark a spot on Friday night, but we ended up moving over a little under trees. I'm glad we did!

We had fun though, despite the hot weather. Libby loved being in Auburn. (She doesn't think she's in Auburn unless it's on campus.) She colored a lot with her new princess coloring book and markers...

We went to J&M and Libby got a tiger paw painted on her cheek... She was so proud of it!

There was a big Aubie next to our tailgate. Libby was excited about seeing "Aubie".

Family picture... We're getting better at family pictures!

Lots of food...

Can't you tell we were a little hot!?

Then we all packed up and headed to the game. Bessie kept Libby at our house so we could go to the game.  This was the only picture I got at the game... I wasn't about to ask Nolen to take a picture with me. He was a little stressed out during the game! Auburn won though, and I was really glad!    A.)  I just wanted Auburn to win and B.)  I don't like Nolen in a bad/sad mood. 

We sat in the upper deck seats, which I now like better because there is a lot more room. I was a little nervous at first ( I HATE heights). Like HATE them... As long as I'm not on the front row I'm good. I used to not be like this... I think having a child made me have this fear. Anyway...

War Eagle and Happy Monday!


The Closet: {Part 2}

Ok, I finally got my act together and took pictures of the "after" of our closet. I can't believe it took me so long to do this. I guess life just got in the way... (That tends to happen a lot... :-) I'm so happy the way our closet turned out. Makes me feel better that everything has a place! Getting dressed is a whole lot easier too. 

So... after about 5 trash bags to Goodwill, some clothes to Platos closet, and just throwing away stuff that we don't use, we can finally walk into our closet! Yay! Who knew that walking into a closet was such a challenge??

Ok some before pictures.... I'm cringing right now...

Just awful.... I have no words.

I wouldn't dare show these pictures unless I had a really good after. So here it is...

Behind the door...

And a little trick I learned, roll up magazines and stick them in your boots to make the stand up! So clever. You can also use water bottles.

And behind the door... I couldn't get the whole door in the picture.

And a little side by side comparison...

Such a transformation, and I'm so glad it's over!!

And thought I would share what Libby's lunch looked like today...

Mmmm, macaroni and cheese, grapes and sprinkles.

I had no idea she did this until after the fact. Now that she can open and close the pantry door she has easy access to everything on the lower part of the door. And of course the sprinkles were right where she could reach. 

At least the macaroni and cheese had carrot puree in it...

Happy weekend!



Happy Birthday Little Ole' Blog!

I started this blog one year ago today, and I'm so glad I did! It has been such a fun way to document everything from sweet Libby to all of my DIY projects. I hope to continue documenting all this fun stuff (don't worry our life isn't fun all the time, but who wants to remember all the bad times?? Not me!) so Libby will be able to read all of this when she is older.

So Happy Birthday little ole' blog, it's been a great first year! 


Two Things.

Target's new line just came out September 12th, Tucker by Gaby Basora. I walked in Target yesterday and I got a quick look at some of the line. Cute, cute! Here are some favorites that hopefully will find a way to my "new" closet. :-)

And the new season of Dancing with the Stars starts next Monday, September 20th. So excited! Some of the cast include Brandy, Audrina Patridge, Florence Henderson, Bristol Palin, Mike from Jersey Shore, David Hassellhoff, Kurt Warner and I think I'm missing some. I can't wait to see how this season turns out!