Yesterday my sweet Libby turned 4! She has been waiting for this day for a long time. Every birthday party we have been to this year she has asked, "Is it my birthday soon?" She is party loving girl! I never got around to posting about our day yesterday because we were just so busy to all things fun! Anything she wanted to do. We did!
We started of our morning at about 7:30. Libby came running out to the living room and saw this and starting squaling when she saw the "Happy birthday" sign.
We sang Happy birthday with a blueberry waffle and a candle. She quickly looked confused and said, "Uhh, this is not a cake." Love her!
Then it was off to preschool. Libby took the leftover crown cookies that Cousin Sandy made for all of her friends at snack time. She was so excited to go to school and tell everyone that she was finally FOUR!
After snack all the kids went to group time. They all sang to Libby. It was so sweet and she loved every minute of the singing! What a difference a year makes.
Then Mrs. Bellhorn gave Libby 4 hugs for 4 years. So sweet! {Notice her Barbies are in there too!}
Then I read a book to Libby's class. She picked out "Fancy Nancy". I see a Fancy Nancy party in this girls future birthday parties.
We ate lunch at Libby's favorite place, Chick-fil-a and then played on the playground. Libby made fast friends with the girl behind her. Something about the Chick-fil-a playground just makes kids so happy. Maybe it's the yummy chicken they all have eaten!
When we were leaving Chick-fil-a we walked out to something really random. A little pig named Max. Libby thought he was so funny!
When we got home the sun was finally pecking through the clouds. We went out side at played with bubbles. The best entertainment!
Then we ended the day with having some friends over for dinner. Nolen cooked some delicious burgers for all of us. I'm sad I didn't get many pictures. Only one's of us singing "Happy birthday" to Libby. We really have done a lot of singing this birthday.
We didn't realize it, but we accidentally got "trick" candles. It was pretty funny seeing there reaction after the light kept coming back.
Libby had a great day! We can't even imagine life without her. She is the biggest blessing to us, and we thank God for her everyday!
We love you, Libby!!!