My little 7 lb 3 oz baby girl is FIVE years old today!
I can't believe it. These five years have gone by so fast, but at the same time I don't remember what life was with out her.
I did a little "interview"with her this morning that I hope to continue on every birthday. Never too late to start a new tradition, right??
how old are you? FIVE
what is your nickname? libster
what is your favorite color? blue and pink
what is your favorite toy? barbie
what is your favorite fruit? strawberries and bananas
what is your favorite TV show? spongebob {didn't see that coming!}
what is your favorite movie? barbie christmas movie
what is your favorite song? barbie rock star
what is your favorite outfit? my beautiful pink dress
what is your favorite holiday? Christmas {Easter was close!}
what do you want to be when you grow up? a ballerina {she first said she didn't want to grow up!}
what is your favorite food? chicken, fries and ketchup
what is your favorite game? angelina ballerina dance game
who is your best friend? paige, reese and tucker {this was a hard one... she named about 6 friend :)}
what do you like to sleep with? my bunny and reindeer {I guess this kind of goes with her favorite holidays!}
what do you want for your birthday dinner? pepperoni pizza
Libby, Lib, Libster, Libby Lou, The Lib {she has a lot of nicknames},
We love you so much!! You are so precious to us, and I feel beyond blessed to be your mama! You have blessed us in so many ways! You are a true gift from the Lord.
Happy birthday sweet girl!!
We have a fun day planned! I'll be back with a post about her special day soon!
Happy birthday sweet girl!!
We have a fun day planned! I'll be back with a post about her special day soon!