
it's a... GIRL!

Sarah Hart Lamberth 

6lbs 12oz
19 inches

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We are so in love with this precious gift from God!

Libby is BEYOND excited to have a little sister, and we are so excited about another sweet little girl!!

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We are so glad to be home as a family of 4! God is good. More pictures to come...

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17



I am in the home stretch of this pregnancy! It has FLOWN. I can't believe I'm about to have 2 kiddos.

I am 38 weeks TODAY.  14 DAYS to go! So thankful for another full term pregnancy. I went to the doctor today, and things are moving right along. I have a feeling this baby will make his/her debut before the 23rd. At least that's what I'm hoping!

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We shall see. I am feeling great considering I'm 9+ months pregnant though! No major aches and pains, and I am sleeping pretty good. Still am able to walk a mile and do yoga. I so miss going to yoga class.{holidays, sickness, etc. has thrown that off.}

The nursery is as complete as it's going to get right now. The crib skirt still hasn't come in, paintings still need to be hung {friend is painting something for me, and I want to wait and see if it's a girl/boy to add more} and the changing table needs new fabric on it {it's a fabric covered table}, but I want to wait and see what it is to determine the fabric.

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I have all the necessities which is all that really matters I've learned.

Bags are packed {ish}.

Freezer is stocked with food.

Baby clothes are clean and ironed.

Now it's just the waiting game. {which by the way is my LEAST favorite part!!}

I had a little celebration dinner last night with some of my sweet friends at Amsterdams. It was so fun! They are the sweetest friends. They hooked me up with A LOT of diapers. THANK YOU THANK YOU friends!! {and I definitely missed those that couldn't make it!}

not the best quality with our sci-fy eyes, and we are missing Kasi and Lauren. Sad!
I am so ready! SO ready to call this baby a name and not "IT".

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Maybe next time I'm here I'll have a BABY!!!!! Either way it will be SOON!


a very merry christmas

I can't believe Christmas has come and gone! I say this every year, but this year is a little different. I've been telling Libby that after Christmas the BABY will be here very soon! So, it's almost baby time!! Can't believe it.

We went to the lake a few days before Christmas, then came back to Auburn Christmas Eve night, then back to the lake Christmas morning. Thank goodness we're a little less than an hour away!

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...

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{Excuse the puffy/white face. I left my makeup at the lake, so I had to go all natural for church. Not a good combo, 9 months preggo and a puffy face!}

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I didn't do a great job at taking pictures this year. {being 9 months pregnant will do that to you!} I think I got all the important parts captured though!

Hope everyone had a blessed Christmas!!! We are so blessed.

OH- And while we're here... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

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2013 is going to be a good one!!

Now it's official... BABY countdown!!! 20 days!


it's a... GIRL!

Sarah Hart Lamberth 

6lbs 12oz
19 inches

IMG_3432 edited

We are so in love with this precious gift from God!

Libby is BEYOND excited to have a little sister, and we are so excited about another sweet little girl!!

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We are so glad to be home as a family of 4! God is good. More pictures to come...

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17



I am in the home stretch of this pregnancy! It has FLOWN. I can't believe I'm about to have 2 kiddos.

I am 38 weeks TODAY.  14 DAYS to go! So thankful for another full term pregnancy. I went to the doctor today, and things are moving right along. I have a feeling this baby will make his/her debut before the 23rd. At least that's what I'm hoping!

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We shall see. I am feeling great considering I'm 9+ months pregnant though! No major aches and pains, and I am sleeping pretty good. Still am able to walk a mile and do yoga. I so miss going to yoga class.{holidays, sickness, etc. has thrown that off.}

The nursery is as complete as it's going to get right now. The crib skirt still hasn't come in, paintings still need to be hung {friend is painting something for me, and I want to wait and see if it's a girl/boy to add more} and the changing table needs new fabric on it {it's a fabric covered table}, but I want to wait and see what it is to determine the fabric.

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I have all the necessities which is all that really matters I've learned.

Bags are packed {ish}.

Freezer is stocked with food.

Baby clothes are clean and ironed.

Now it's just the waiting game. {which by the way is my LEAST favorite part!!}

I had a little celebration dinner last night with some of my sweet friends at Amsterdams. It was so fun! They are the sweetest friends. They hooked me up with A LOT of diapers. THANK YOU THANK YOU friends!! {and I definitely missed those that couldn't make it!}

not the best quality with our sci-fy eyes, and we are missing Kasi and Lauren. Sad!
I am so ready! SO ready to call this baby a name and not "IT".

IMG_3342 edited

Maybe next time I'm here I'll have a BABY!!!!! Either way it will be SOON!


a very merry christmas

I can't believe Christmas has come and gone! I say this every year, but this year is a little different. I've been telling Libby that after Christmas the BABY will be here very soon! So, it's almost baby time!! Can't believe it.

We went to the lake a few days before Christmas, then came back to Auburn Christmas Eve night, then back to the lake Christmas morning. Thank goodness we're a little less than an hour away!

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...

  IMG_2928IMG_3258 IMG_2933 IMG_3264

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{Excuse the puffy/white face. I left my makeup at the lake, so I had to go all natural for church. Not a good combo, 9 months preggo and a puffy face!}

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  IMG_3301 editedIMG_3306 edited IMG_2963 IMG_2953 DSC_1191 edited DSC_1206 edited

I didn't do a great job at taking pictures this year. {being 9 months pregnant will do that to you!} I think I got all the important parts captured though!

Hope everyone had a blessed Christmas!!! We are so blessed.

OH- And while we're here... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

IMG_2981 IMG_2982

2013 is going to be a good one!!

Now it's official... BABY countdown!!! 20 days!