
one month

My sweet Sallie is ONE month old!!! {I am a week late. Oops! I have a good excuse I promise! :-)} I can't believe it! She is an angel baby. We are all pretty crazy about her around here!

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Here are her ONE month stats...
8.6 lbs- 15th percentile
20.6 inches- 10th percentile

Still petite, but her amazing doctor said she is growing perfectly!

She is still pulling 4-5 hour stretches at night. I am so thankful for every hour of sleep. She has even gone as long as 6 hours! Yay Sallie!

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She is becoming more and more alert everyday. Even smiling at me on command! Love this sweet stage.


As far as looks go, I've gotten a few people saying she looks like me! It's so fun to hear, since Libby is a spitting image of Nolen. I think she is a good mix between all of us!

Sallie girl---

Your first month has been amazing! You are the sweetest baby. I can't remember what life was without you! Your mama and daddy love you so much, and your sister is crazy about you {even though she loves to yell very loudly and wake you up! i can already tell you are getting used to this!}

You are one LOVED baby girl!!! 
We love you!


our valentine's day

A SUNNY Valentine's day might I add! We were all so thankful to see the sun after 3 days of rain.

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Before kids I never got into Valentine's day-- I thought it was so silly! Having kids has totally changed me, or rather it is changing me.

I think it's so fun, and pinterest really helps make it fun! What would we do without Pinterest?!

I bought a cute felt heart garland at Tar-jey that I hung on the mantel to kick-off the Valentine's holiday {and you can see Libby put her own special touch to it}.

Here are some pictures from our day.

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IMG_3576 edited Hope you all had a day full of LOVE and LAUGTHER!!!


nolen's bday

Last Thursday was Nolen's birthday! Since it was the same night as DDDN, we celebrated Saturday with a quick trip to the lake to eat at SpringHouse. It was our first time "away" from Sallie,{we were gone 2.5 hours ;-)} but it was much needed.

We DID celebrate Thursday though... BRIGHT and EARLY! {notice it's still dark outside.}

We sang and ate cinnamon rolls before they left for school and work. Libby loves helping in the kitchen and especially loves a birthday celebration!

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Saturday night at SpringHouse. Delish!! IMG_3155 edited
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Sorry all these pictures are so grainy. The iPhone is the easiest to handle these days!

Happy birthday Nolen!!! Your girls think you are pretty special, and we are so glad you were born!

 Addie, Libby and Sallie


daddy daughter date night

Nolen took Libby to the Daddy Daughter Date Night dance last night. {on his birthday might i add! sweet daddy!} This was their 3rd year going, and it is always a highlight of the year! She was SO excited! I took her to Tar-jey to pick out a dress and some accessories a few days before the dance. You would have thought someone told her she won a million dollars!

She was in heaven!

Here are some pictures of them before we left the house. Libby really knows how to pose. And how did my first born get so big!!??

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After dinner-- headed to the dance!

My friend sent me this video from the dance that her hubby took of Libby and her friend Georgia dancing! Such fun memories being made!


They had a blast! And were exhausted when they got home.


2 weeks

Sallie turned 2 weeks old on Saturday! I can't believe it. Although I can't remember life without her. She fits right in!

At 2 weeks Sallie is...

Sleeping like a champ! Last night she slept from 11-6. Yeah. I was so shocked when I woke up at 4 and she was sound asleep! Even more shocked when I woke up at 6 and she was JUST waking up. The night before she slept from 11-4 then went back down until about 7. I'm feeling SO spoiled, and hoping this continues!

She is nursing great {and loves to eat!}, and continues to gain weight. {She isn't back to her birth weight yet, but she should be getting close!} I got a pump last week, so I pump one bottle a day. {Nolen gives her the bottle for her last feeding at night}. I think this has definitely helped with her sleeping so good.

She is becoming more alert everyday. I love it when she opens her eyes! :-)
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She really is the SWEETEST baby! We all love her so much! She is the perfect 4th addition to our family.


sallie's birthday

Here is a recap of my sweet Sallie's BIRTHday. {for my memory more than anything.} This story is pretty short and sweet though. Not a lot of details b/c there wasn't a lot of time for details. :)

I was induced on Saturday, January 19th {4 days before my due date}. We were all SO excited to know when {SHE} was coming!

I had already progressed a good bit {4cm 80% effaced} when I got to the hospital around 7:30. My water was broken at about 12:30. I went from 5 cm to 10 cm in about an hour. It was SO fast!   I literally pushed 3 times and she was born {at 2 PM on the dot!} Everything happened SO fast. I still can't believe how fast she came!  {Not sure why since Libby came super fast.} Our parents and Libby barely made it to the hospital!

Since I didn't know whether it was a boy or girl, I was super anxious and excited the whole time! It was SO fun being surprised though!! Although I was 90% sure it was a girl the whole time.

It was so fun when Nolen, my sweet Dr. and nurses said, "It's a GIRL!!" I will always remember that moment. It was so special!

Here are some pictures from Sallie's first few days...

IMG_3352 edited big sister Libby! IMG_3021 IMG_3020 IMG_3024 IMG_3030 IMG_3345 edited IMG_3350 edited IMG_3034 IMG_3035 IMG_3037 IMG_3043

Libby got Sallie a poodle and ballerina bunny!

sasa and sallie {sallie's namesake} IMG_3355 edited
papa who {hugh} and sallie IMG_3354 edited
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IMG_3362 edited IMG_3371 edited IMG_3374 edited Libby loved visiting the hospital! I was so glad she could come up there, since the hospital was on "flu lockdown". I could only have immediate family members visit. IMG_3375 edited IMG_3381 edited Sallie all ready to go home in her sweet gown. {I wore this home from the hospital and so did Libby!} IMG_3396 edited

The sweater and bonnet that I wore home from the hospital swallowed Sallie! I was an 8 lb. baby though :) I have A LOT more pictures to post, but these are from her first two days. {I do have a picture of Papa Tom with Sallie that is on my other memory card, and I need to get one of Bessie with Sallie too!

 More to come! Hopefully sooner rather than later. Blogging is kind of hard these days :)


one month

My sweet Sallie is ONE month old!!! {I am a week late. Oops! I have a good excuse I promise! :-)} I can't believe it! She is an angel baby. We are all pretty crazy about her around here!

IMG_3784 edited name

Here are her ONE month stats...
8.6 lbs- 15th percentile
20.6 inches- 10th percentile

Still petite, but her amazing doctor said she is growing perfectly!

She is still pulling 4-5 hour stretches at night. I am so thankful for every hour of sleep. She has even gone as long as 6 hours! Yay Sallie!

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She is becoming more and more alert everyday. Even smiling at me on command! Love this sweet stage.


As far as looks go, I've gotten a few people saying she looks like me! It's so fun to hear, since Libby is a spitting image of Nolen. I think she is a good mix between all of us!

Sallie girl---

Your first month has been amazing! You are the sweetest baby. I can't remember what life was without you! Your mama and daddy love you so much, and your sister is crazy about you {even though she loves to yell very loudly and wake you up! i can already tell you are getting used to this!}

You are one LOVED baby girl!!! 
We love you!


our valentine's day

A SUNNY Valentine's day might I add! We were all so thankful to see the sun after 3 days of rain.

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Before kids I never got into Valentine's day-- I thought it was so silly! Having kids has totally changed me, or rather it is changing me.

I think it's so fun, and pinterest really helps make it fun! What would we do without Pinterest?!

I bought a cute felt heart garland at Tar-jey that I hung on the mantel to kick-off the Valentine's holiday {and you can see Libby put her own special touch to it}.

Here are some pictures from our day.

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IMG_3576 edited Hope you all had a day full of LOVE and LAUGTHER!!!


nolen's bday

Last Thursday was Nolen's birthday! Since it was the same night as DDDN, we celebrated Saturday with a quick trip to the lake to eat at SpringHouse. It was our first time "away" from Sallie,{we were gone 2.5 hours ;-)} but it was much needed.

We DID celebrate Thursday though... BRIGHT and EARLY! {notice it's still dark outside.}

We sang and ate cinnamon rolls before they left for school and work. Libby loves helping in the kitchen and especially loves a birthday celebration!

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Saturday night at SpringHouse. Delish!! IMG_3155 edited
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Sorry all these pictures are so grainy. The iPhone is the easiest to handle these days!

Happy birthday Nolen!!! Your girls think you are pretty special, and we are so glad you were born!

 Addie, Libby and Sallie


daddy daughter date night

Nolen took Libby to the Daddy Daughter Date Night dance last night. {on his birthday might i add! sweet daddy!} This was their 3rd year going, and it is always a highlight of the year! She was SO excited! I took her to Tar-jey to pick out a dress and some accessories a few days before the dance. You would have thought someone told her she won a million dollars!

She was in heaven!

Here are some pictures of them before we left the house. Libby really knows how to pose. And how did my first born get so big!!??

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After dinner-- headed to the dance!

My friend sent me this video from the dance that her hubby took of Libby and her friend Georgia dancing! Such fun memories being made!


They had a blast! And were exhausted when they got home.


2 weeks

Sallie turned 2 weeks old on Saturday! I can't believe it. Although I can't remember life without her. She fits right in!

At 2 weeks Sallie is...

Sleeping like a champ! Last night she slept from 11-6. Yeah. I was so shocked when I woke up at 4 and she was sound asleep! Even more shocked when I woke up at 6 and she was JUST waking up. The night before she slept from 11-4 then went back down until about 7. I'm feeling SO spoiled, and hoping this continues!

She is nursing great {and loves to eat!}, and continues to gain weight. {She isn't back to her birth weight yet, but she should be getting close!} I got a pump last week, so I pump one bottle a day. {Nolen gives her the bottle for her last feeding at night}. I think this has definitely helped with her sleeping so good.

She is becoming more alert everyday. I love it when she opens her eyes! :-)
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She really is the SWEETEST baby! We all love her so much! She is the perfect 4th addition to our family.


sallie's birthday

Here is a recap of my sweet Sallie's BIRTHday. {for my memory more than anything.} This story is pretty short and sweet though. Not a lot of details b/c there wasn't a lot of time for details. :)

I was induced on Saturday, January 19th {4 days before my due date}. We were all SO excited to know when {SHE} was coming!

I had already progressed a good bit {4cm 80% effaced} when I got to the hospital around 7:30. My water was broken at about 12:30. I went from 5 cm to 10 cm in about an hour. It was SO fast!   I literally pushed 3 times and she was born {at 2 PM on the dot!} Everything happened SO fast. I still can't believe how fast she came!  {Not sure why since Libby came super fast.} Our parents and Libby barely made it to the hospital!

Since I didn't know whether it was a boy or girl, I was super anxious and excited the whole time! It was SO fun being surprised though!! Although I was 90% sure it was a girl the whole time.

It was so fun when Nolen, my sweet Dr. and nurses said, "It's a GIRL!!" I will always remember that moment. It was so special!

Here are some pictures from Sallie's first few days...

IMG_3352 edited big sister Libby! IMG_3021 IMG_3020 IMG_3024 IMG_3030 IMG_3345 edited IMG_3350 edited IMG_3034 IMG_3035 IMG_3037 IMG_3043

Libby got Sallie a poodle and ballerina bunny!

sasa and sallie {sallie's namesake} IMG_3355 edited
papa who {hugh} and sallie IMG_3354 edited
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IMG_3362 edited IMG_3371 edited IMG_3374 edited Libby loved visiting the hospital! I was so glad she could come up there, since the hospital was on "flu lockdown". I could only have immediate family members visit. IMG_3375 edited IMG_3381 edited Sallie all ready to go home in her sweet gown. {I wore this home from the hospital and so did Libby!} IMG_3396 edited

The sweater and bonnet that I wore home from the hospital swallowed Sallie! I was an 8 lb. baby though :) I have A LOT more pictures to post, but these are from her first two days. {I do have a picture of Papa Tom with Sallie that is on my other memory card, and I need to get one of Bessie with Sallie too!

 More to come! Hopefully sooner rather than later. Blogging is kind of hard these days :)