

I can't resist a picture of a sleeping baby!
My camera is loaded with pictures like these.

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I wish I could freeze time!
Love you SHL!


the last roll

we went downtown this afternoon to celebrate the last roll of the toomer's trees.

libby had a blast dancing around to the band!
war eagle!!!!!

coloring africa 5k

I ran in my first post-baby race---
 The Four Corners Ministries Coloring Africa 5k at MLK park!

I ran with my friend Holly {ha! more like she pushed
my baby and her baby in the double stroller while
i was behind them :-)}


Nolen, Libby and Sallie were at the finish line when I finished
and the girls were less than impressed with their mama
all covered in {powder} paint!

Libby was scared to touch me. :-) And Sallie just closed her eyes... 
I guess I was too scary to look at. ;-)

It was a fun little race that got me motivated
 to keep up with my running.


three months

How can it be??? 
My sweet Sallie is 3 months old!
I feel like last week I was writing her 2 month old post!
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She is sweet as sugar!
 Smiles all the time and cooing more and more each day.
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She doesn't go to the Dr. this month, 
so I'm not sure what her stats are...
 I'm thinking somewhere in the 12 lb range.
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She started taking naps in her crib for the first time this month. 
Thankfully, the transition was no problemo!
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She is still sleeping in our room at night though.
I'm just waiting to get more frequent long stretches happening.
{she is getting close!}
IMG_4133 editedShe also went to the nursery for the first time at church,
and did great the whole time! yay!
And she's really loving her bumbo seat these days.
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Happy 3 months sweet Sallie!
We love you!


the bumbo

This blue-eyed angel sat in her bumbo seat,
for the first time a few days ago!

She loved this view of the world!
So alert and looking all around.

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She flashed me a little smile too. :-)

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And I'm so happy to be back in the world of bubbles!
 LOVE LOVE me a baby in a bubble. 
 So cute with chunky little baby legs!


these girlies...

...got dressed up in tutus and cowgirl boots last week
for a picture with their ballet friends at a local park.

before we left the house,
i snapped a few pics of them!


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the start of our garden...

I'm hoping to have a BRIGHT green thumb this spring/summer!
Libby and I planted some seeds this past week.
We planted some veggies and herbs-- we will see if they turn into veggies and herbs!

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I killed every plant I owned last year-- 
 BUT I'm not counting that! 
I was in my first trimester and SO SO sick.
 So it can't be that bad this year! :-)



10 weeks

Oh, how I love this baby girl!
She is smiling, laughing and growing like crazy.
She'll be 3 months old in 2 weeks... slow down baby girl.

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10 weeks


six year old interview

LeelouBlogs_Yellow Chevron Birthday Questionnaire

Keeping the tradition of doing a little "interview" every year {last year was my first}!
I love this so much. I know she will love reading it when she's older.

My favorite BY FAR is her "favorite thing to do" is play with Mom!
Makes me smile! {i just hope that's her favorite thing to do in 10 years!!!!}

I was a little surprised on "a pet sitter"...
BUT she assured me that there needs to be people to cuddle and help
 animals when they throw up. {wow!}
can you tell the stomach bug is going around at school!!??

Love you Libby!!



I can't resist a picture of a sleeping baby!
My camera is loaded with pictures like these.

IMG_4095 edited IMG_4104 edited
I wish I could freeze time!
Love you SHL!


the last roll

we went downtown this afternoon to celebrate the last roll of the toomer's trees.

libby had a blast dancing around to the band!
war eagle!!!!!

coloring africa 5k

I ran in my first post-baby race---
 The Four Corners Ministries Coloring Africa 5k at MLK park!

I ran with my friend Holly {ha! more like she pushed
my baby and her baby in the double stroller while
i was behind them :-)}


Nolen, Libby and Sallie were at the finish line when I finished
and the girls were less than impressed with their mama
all covered in {powder} paint!

Libby was scared to touch me. :-) And Sallie just closed her eyes... 
I guess I was too scary to look at. ;-)

It was a fun little race that got me motivated
 to keep up with my running.


three months

How can it be??? 
My sweet Sallie is 3 months old!
I feel like last week I was writing her 2 month old post!
IMG_4189 edited name
She is sweet as sugar!
 Smiles all the time and cooing more and more each day.
IMG_4148 edited
She doesn't go to the Dr. this month, 
so I'm not sure what her stats are...
 I'm thinking somewhere in the 12 lb range.
IMG_4138 edited

She started taking naps in her crib for the first time this month. 
Thankfully, the transition was no problemo!
IMG_4135 edited
She is still sleeping in our room at night though.
I'm just waiting to get more frequent long stretches happening.
{she is getting close!}
IMG_4133 editedShe also went to the nursery for the first time at church,
and did great the whole time! yay!
And she's really loving her bumbo seat these days.
IMG_4128 edited
Happy 3 months sweet Sallie!
We love you!


the bumbo

This blue-eyed angel sat in her bumbo seat,
for the first time a few days ago!

She loved this view of the world!
So alert and looking all around.

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She flashed me a little smile too. :-)

IMG_4070 edited
And I'm so happy to be back in the world of bubbles!
 LOVE LOVE me a baby in a bubble. 
 So cute with chunky little baby legs!


these girlies...

...got dressed up in tutus and cowgirl boots last week
for a picture with their ballet friends at a local park.

before we left the house,
i snapped a few pics of them!


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the start of our garden...

I'm hoping to have a BRIGHT green thumb this spring/summer!
Libby and I planted some seeds this past week.
We planted some veggies and herbs-- we will see if they turn into veggies and herbs!

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I killed every plant I owned last year-- 
 BUT I'm not counting that! 
I was in my first trimester and SO SO sick.
 So it can't be that bad this year! :-)


10 weeks

Oh, how I love this baby girl!
She is smiling, laughing and growing like crazy.
She'll be 3 months old in 2 weeks... slow down baby girl.

IMG_3962 edited
10 weeks


six year old interview

LeelouBlogs_Yellow Chevron Birthday Questionnaire

Keeping the tradition of doing a little "interview" every year {last year was my first}!
I love this so much. I know she will love reading it when she's older.

My favorite BY FAR is her "favorite thing to do" is play with Mom!
Makes me smile! {i just hope that's her favorite thing to do in 10 years!!!!}

I was a little surprised on "a pet sitter"...
BUT she assured me that there needs to be people to cuddle and help
 animals when they throw up. {wow!}
can you tell the stomach bug is going around at school!!??

Love you Libby!!