
Happy Hump Day!

Since I am just in a fabulous mood right now I thought that I would do a little blogging about life with the Lamberth's. Maybe it's the weather outside that is making me so happy!? Or that I just finished organizing my desk? Or because I'm sitting in complete silence while my child is asleep and Nolen is in class?! I think it's all of the above! :-)

On another note...

I am glad to report on the success I have had in getting Libby back on schedule. It is just so nice to have a routine each day. I don't mean to sound crazy about a routine, but it does make the day run a lot smoother and easier for me at least! Now when 5 o'clock comes around it's not "cranky" time it's much more of a "happy" time in our house... most of the time (we still have our days). Doesn't every body though? :-)

I have also not given in to letting her sleep with us. BEST DECISION EVER!! It's hard to fit 3 people in a queen size bed!  We are getting into a nice little routine at night time. I put her down in her bed at about 8 o'clock (sometimes before), then we read for about 15 minutes then it's lights out. She has done so well with this. She has not cried once about having to get in bed! I'm still in shock!! This girl has never liked going to sleep!! Especially in HER bed. 

She hasn't sleep with us in a little over 2 weeks. Well, now that I think of it she sleep with us one Saturday night because I was just too tired to put her in her own bed. Totally my fault! It didn't seem to hurt though. I just hope she continues to do good in her routine, AND to not drop her nap! So not ready for that! I think we will try to hang on to nap time until she's in real school! At least I hope so! :-)

I hope everyone is having a great day!


Gran's Birthday!!

This weekend we celebrated Gran's 80th birthday! Everyone came to the lake from Birmingham, and we came from Auburn to celebrate her birthday. We had lunch at SpringHouse, then went to my parents house for cake and ice cream. It was so much fun being together as a family. 

I'm so blessed to have such a great grandmother like Gran. She amazes me everyday. She has done so much for me over the past years, and I could not have done it without her! She is the BEST! I hope I'm still as sharp as she is when I'm 80! :-) I love you, Gran!

                                                          Lindsey, Libby, and Gran
                                                All the grandchildren and great grandchild


MLK Day (a little late)

On Monday we were out of school for MLK Day. So, we went out to the park and played since the weather was perfect! Libby had so much fun playing outside. We are taking full advantage of the warm weather (compared to 20 degree weather). We have been outside every chance we get. I'm sure the cold weather will be back soon.

Here are some pictures I took of Libby at the park. I thought they turned out cute! :-)



Friday, Libby and I took advantage of the beautiful weather, and went to Hickory Dickory park with Tucker and his Mommy! It felt so good to get out of the house without freezing! We've needed  to get outside. We have been stuck inside the house the past few weeks because it's been so cold. So we really enjoyed being outside!

Saturday Libby went to visit Sasa and Whoo at the lake. Whoo met me in Dadeville to get her. They went to the grocery store, then went back to the house. Sasa was at Cloud Nine, so Whoo and Libby got to play just the two of them. Libby has so much fun with them! She can't wait to go back! :-)
She was all geared up for the rainy weekend! Thanks to Bessie for the rain jacket and rain boots! I think she looks so cute! Not that I'm biased or anything! :-)

Nolen and I enjoyed ourselves too. We went to the Auburn/Kentucky basketball game on Saturday afternoon. Then we went to dinner and a movie that night. We never get to go see movies, so whenever it's just the two of us we like to go. We didn't do anything too exciting. We were both exhausted from our first week back to school. We survived it though!! I think it was the slowest week eeevvveeerr. We are glad to have that week behind us. 

Today we're going to leave the house and go do something OUTSIDE! It's so pretty today. YAY!

Happy MLK Day!! :-)


Saving BIG!

I have started cutting coupons a lot lately and really learning the system of trying to SAVE big! I have been reading a lot of blogs that are great! Fiddledeedee and Coupon Geek are great blogs to read if you really want to learn how to save. I have learned a lot just reading blogs. I have started figuring out a system for trying to save.

 I have also been learning about how CVS's Extra Care Bucks (ECBs) work. I have already started to save a lot at CVS. The other day I had to get some milk and a new planner for one of my classes. So, instead of going to the grocery I went to CVS. You won't believe what I paid for a gallon of milk and a planner. Just wait.... I paid $1.40!!!! Can you believe that!!?? I was so excited! Of course I had almost $7 in ECBs. I have accumulated these ECBs over the past weeks. It's kind of like a game to me. So, it makes saving money that much more fun!

I'm hoping to become a pro at the whole "couponing" thing. So look forward to hearing about how I am saving and stretching every penny!


"Deceptively Delicious"

Over the break I decided I had to do something about Libby's eating habits. She will not touch a vegetable if you paid her. All she wants to eat is chips, fries,etc..etc. She does eat most fruits and loves yogurt. I just wanted to somehow get her to eat something good besides junk. So I turned to my trusty cook book by Jessica Seinfeld called, "Deceptively Delicious". I have tried a few recipes from her cook book a while back, but just never really got the hang of it. She "hides" vegetables and fruits by pureeing them. It is the best idea I have seen yet, AND it is working for us! 

On Mondays when I go to the grocery store I get whatever vegetable or fruits that I will be using for the week. Then when I get home I start pureeing. It's so easy! I thought it would be very time consuming, but it's really not that bad. After pureeing each vegetable I put it in a ziploc bag, label it with whatever it is, then put the date on it. I sometimes freeze part of the puree because it usually makes a lot. So, then I know I will always have something on hand when needed.

So far I have made spaghetti with squash and carrot puree, brownies with carrot puree, French toast with sweet potato puree, and grilled cheese with sweet potato puree. There are many more things I want to try too. I know it sounds gross, but Nolen and I will even eat it. I promise you can't taste the vegetables at all. The best part is Libby is getting something good in her tummy. :-)


Back to the Real World...

...And I'm so ready for the real world to come back! I love having a long break from school, but I love having a schedule and routine for each day. I feel more productive, and it's easier for me to get things done! When we are on break I always say, "Oh, I'll do that later...I have a   few weeks left!" Then it usually never gets done. I have to have a schedule of some sort. So today is the day!

A few of my goals... 

1. Get Libby back on a schedule. I started this yesterday. I have always had a time that I want her to nap, go to bed, etc. But yesterday she followed that schedule perfectly. She napped from almost exactly 1-3. Then this is going to be a shocker! She went to bed at like 8:30, AND in her own bed!!!! AH, It felt so good to have her asleep at a descent hour. Of course,I had to lay down with her and read books, but that's ok! I really enjoy snuggling with my girl.

2. Work out 3X a week to Jillian Michael's. I started this back in the Fall, but it all feel through during break. I'm going to try so hard to keep this going! 

3. I have set certain days to do certain things. Like on Mondays I'll go to the grocery ,and Fridays are my "cleaning" day. Of course you have to clean everyday with a little one, but Fridays are like clean bathrooms, mop, dust, etc... This also went out the door while on break.

Ok, Don't think I'm crazy for writing all my new goals down. I thought that maybe if I write them out for the world to see then it might put some pressure on me to keep it up! :)

On a different note, We had a great last few days of our break this weekend. We went to the lake to watch the National Championship game. I was saying "ROLLLL TIIIDE" and Nolen was saying "Hook em'"!! 

Friday, we had a fun play date with Tucker at his house. Libby and Tucker played so well together! Friday night we hung at home just the 3 of us! We built a fire too! I love real fires. My parents always had a fire going during the winter!

Saturday Libby and I went to her friend Avery's birthday party. She had a BLAST!! It was at Premier Athletics (a tumbling and cheerleading gym). She loved jumping on the trampoline, hoola-hooping (spelling?), and just running around. I think I might sign her up for 3 year old gymnastics next year since she enjoyed it so much. Here are some pictures from the party.

                                                   She told me to take this picture of her.


                                                  She didn't want to get out!

                                    Libby and  Avery (not the birthday girl) playing.
                                                              Libby and Anderson 

                                                         So EXCITED!!!

                                                     The whole group
                                            Libby and Avery hugging. So sweet!
                                      Libby and her sweet teacher, Mrs. Carmello

Sunday we went to church and Sunday school, then came home and didn't do much. I kind of prepared myself for school... did some laundry. Ya know, the normal Sunday afternoon stuff.

I'm not looking forward to walking in the FREEZING cold to class, AND fighting for a parking spot. But I guess I don't have a choice!


Back to School

I'm on a roll with blog post aren't I? I guess when I'm out of school I have a little bit more time on my hands. :)

 Anyway, just had to post a picture of this little cutie. She started back school today! She was so excited to see her sweet teachers and friends!

Her teacher said she named all the letters in the alphabet, all the colors, and all the shapes perfectly today! I love hearing that she is doing so well. She has learned so much during the past 4 months at school. 

We have lots of fun things going on this week/weekend. We are taking a quick trip to the lake, Libby has a birthday party, and a play date! What fun!!

Hope everyone is staying WARM!!


Scary story...

Last night was just like any ordinary night in the Lamberth household. I had Bible study at 6:15, so Nolen decided that he would take Libby on a fun Daddy/Daughter date and go to the Auburn basketball game. Libby loves going to the games! So, I left for Bible study around 6, and Nolen left a few minutes after that. Well... he thought he was leaving...

He was putting Libby in her carseat...He dropped his keys while buckling her up. Somehow when the keys fell it hit the lock buttom. Nolen said he heard something click, but he didn't really think anything of it. So he closes the door.. goes around to the drivers side to get in the car...AND....it was locked!! I can't imagine what was going through his head. I have nightmares about his happening! So, he can't call anyone b/c his cell phone is locked in the car, can't get back into the house b/c the keys are locked in the car. WHAT do you do?? The neighbors house looked dark like they weren't at home, but he knocks anyway. They came to the door... PRAISE the Lord!! He was still in panic mode, so it was hard for him to get out what had happened. They were so nice, and they got a coat hanger and a flash light to see if that would do anything. ALSO, remember it's like 25 degrees outside...FREEZING!! The coat hanger didn't work, so they called the police.

 Police got there... The instrument that they use to open doors wasn't working....So he calls a locksmith. They come 15 minutes later... unlocks the door! AHH! After about 35 minutes Libby was finally no longer locked in the car! While all of this was happening Libby was LAUGHING! I just couldn't believe it! Thank goodness she had a big warm jacket on to keep her warm. Nolen said she couldn't have been more perfect! She was just chillin' in the car having a good ole time! HA! So, back to the locksmith he unlocks the door, then leaves without Nolen paying him. I guess he felt sorry for him b/c his child was locked in the car. Nolen felt kind of bad that he didn't pay, but then he was like, "Hey I just saved like $50!" Great! 

I feel like we should do something for that man. I mean without him Libby would still be stuck in the car. Right? 

After all of that excitement they finally headed to the basketball game. They had a great time together, and Libby and Nolen got on the "dance cam" on the jumbo tron! So fun! I wish I was there to get a picture though! 

I'm so thankful for our nice neighbors who let Nolen use there phone. Thank you so much!



The "Holliday" Party

Libby and A.R.

Family picture

Riley Frances, Libby and Hayes

Mr. Roger and Libby

James and Libby

Cutest brother and sister! 

JJ and Libby

Katie and Libby


I know Christmas is over, but I wanted to post these pictures from the Holliday's Christmas Eve party! Every year after church we go over to there house for some Christmas fun. There are a lot of church people that come, and it's always something I look forward to! The food is always so good! Mrs. Cindy is a wonderful cook! 

Libby was being quite the social butterfly that night. She would just go up to about anyone and smile for me to take her picture. It was so fun! She especially liked A.R. (Hayes's grandfather) they had the best time looking at all the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Libby has always loved him since she was little! He is just so sweet to her! 

Those of you that know Libby know that she is not very fond of strangers. Which I think is a good thing in a way! She will definitely be good at the "don't talk to strangers" rule! 


Tampa and New Years!!

                                           Above: Nolen and I in Hyde Park

                                                    New Years Eve. Going to dinner
                                                New Years Eve in Channelside
                                                 Abby and I at Channelside
                                           At the game. We had great seats!
                                                     After the game
                                             War Eagle!! After we won!

On Wednesday we headed to Tampa. Hank and Kasi came and picked us up in Auburn, then we started our looong drive to Florida! We finally got there around 8:30 or so. We got all unpacked then Nolen and I went to the hotel restaurant to get some dessert. We hung out for a little bit then went back to our room and went to bed. We were so tired! On Thursday Nolen's Aunt Cathy invited all of us to lunch. She came and picked us up from the hotel. It was great seeing and catching up with her. After that we drove around Tampa. We found a cute area called Hyde Park. I spotted Anthropologie and Kasi spotted Ann Taylor, so we decided we had to stop there! :) We looked around there for a little while, then Nolen and I headed back to the hotel, while Hank and Kasi went to see a movie. We hung out at the hotel and met up with Mack and his girlfriend, Lauren. We visited with them for a little bit, then went to get ready for the night. We went back to Hyde Park to eat at a nice little Italian restaurant (I think it was Italian). We enjoyed a nice dinner, then headed back to the hotel. Nolen and I then headed to Channel side to meet up with some friends! There were TONS of people there! I have never seen so many lesbians and nasty dressed people in my life! It was very interesting!! We had great time hanging out with Abby and Hank though. At midnight we watched the fireworks, then headed back to the hotel since we had to wake up early. On Friday we got up early and headed to the game. It rained most of the game, then finally stopped raining after half time. At the beginning of the game I was thinking this is the worst game I have been to, but then after the game I was saying it was the most fun game I've ever been to! It was so much fun being 5 rows up! After the game Nolen and I went and stood by the rail and high fived a lot the players! Then Woody Parramore (pledge brother of Nolen) ran by and saw Nolen. He jumped up and Nolen grabbed him and pulled him in the stands! It was so much fun!! I wish I got a picture of them, but it was too crazy! I got one of him walking away though.He's #33 walking away in one of the pictures above. After the game we headed back to Alabama. We had a great trip! Totally worth the 8 hour drive I think! Thanks Mr. Tom for the tickets it was so fun!!


Happy Hump Day!

Since I am just in a fabulous mood right now I thought that I would do a little blogging about life with the Lamberth's. Maybe it's the weather outside that is making me so happy!? Or that I just finished organizing my desk? Or because I'm sitting in complete silence while my child is asleep and Nolen is in class?! I think it's all of the above! :-)

On another note...

I am glad to report on the success I have had in getting Libby back on schedule. It is just so nice to have a routine each day. I don't mean to sound crazy about a routine, but it does make the day run a lot smoother and easier for me at least! Now when 5 o'clock comes around it's not "cranky" time it's much more of a "happy" time in our house... most of the time (we still have our days). Doesn't every body though? :-)

I have also not given in to letting her sleep with us. BEST DECISION EVER!! It's hard to fit 3 people in a queen size bed!  We are getting into a nice little routine at night time. I put her down in her bed at about 8 o'clock (sometimes before), then we read for about 15 minutes then it's lights out. She has done so well with this. She has not cried once about having to get in bed! I'm still in shock!! This girl has never liked going to sleep!! Especially in HER bed. 

She hasn't sleep with us in a little over 2 weeks. Well, now that I think of it she sleep with us one Saturday night because I was just too tired to put her in her own bed. Totally my fault! It didn't seem to hurt though. I just hope she continues to do good in her routine, AND to not drop her nap! So not ready for that! I think we will try to hang on to nap time until she's in real school! At least I hope so! :-)

I hope everyone is having a great day!


Gran's Birthday!!

This weekend we celebrated Gran's 80th birthday! Everyone came to the lake from Birmingham, and we came from Auburn to celebrate her birthday. We had lunch at SpringHouse, then went to my parents house for cake and ice cream. It was so much fun being together as a family. 

I'm so blessed to have such a great grandmother like Gran. She amazes me everyday. She has done so much for me over the past years, and I could not have done it without her! She is the BEST! I hope I'm still as sharp as she is when I'm 80! :-) I love you, Gran!

                                                          Lindsey, Libby, and Gran
                                                All the grandchildren and great grandchild


MLK Day (a little late)

On Monday we were out of school for MLK Day. So, we went out to the park and played since the weather was perfect! Libby had so much fun playing outside. We are taking full advantage of the warm weather (compared to 20 degree weather). We have been outside every chance we get. I'm sure the cold weather will be back soon.

Here are some pictures I took of Libby at the park. I thought they turned out cute! :-)



Friday, Libby and I took advantage of the beautiful weather, and went to Hickory Dickory park with Tucker and his Mommy! It felt so good to get out of the house without freezing! We've needed  to get outside. We have been stuck inside the house the past few weeks because it's been so cold. So we really enjoyed being outside!

Saturday Libby went to visit Sasa and Whoo at the lake. Whoo met me in Dadeville to get her. They went to the grocery store, then went back to the house. Sasa was at Cloud Nine, so Whoo and Libby got to play just the two of them. Libby has so much fun with them! She can't wait to go back! :-)
She was all geared up for the rainy weekend! Thanks to Bessie for the rain jacket and rain boots! I think she looks so cute! Not that I'm biased or anything! :-)

Nolen and I enjoyed ourselves too. We went to the Auburn/Kentucky basketball game on Saturday afternoon. Then we went to dinner and a movie that night. We never get to go see movies, so whenever it's just the two of us we like to go. We didn't do anything too exciting. We were both exhausted from our first week back to school. We survived it though!! I think it was the slowest week eeevvveeerr. We are glad to have that week behind us. 

Today we're going to leave the house and go do something OUTSIDE! It's so pretty today. YAY!

Happy MLK Day!! :-)


Saving BIG!

I have started cutting coupons a lot lately and really learning the system of trying to SAVE big! I have been reading a lot of blogs that are great! Fiddledeedee and Coupon Geek are great blogs to read if you really want to learn how to save. I have learned a lot just reading blogs. I have started figuring out a system for trying to save.

 I have also been learning about how CVS's Extra Care Bucks (ECBs) work. I have already started to save a lot at CVS. The other day I had to get some milk and a new planner for one of my classes. So, instead of going to the grocery I went to CVS. You won't believe what I paid for a gallon of milk and a planner. Just wait.... I paid $1.40!!!! Can you believe that!!?? I was so excited! Of course I had almost $7 in ECBs. I have accumulated these ECBs over the past weeks. It's kind of like a game to me. So, it makes saving money that much more fun!

I'm hoping to become a pro at the whole "couponing" thing. So look forward to hearing about how I am saving and stretching every penny!


"Deceptively Delicious"

Over the break I decided I had to do something about Libby's eating habits. She will not touch a vegetable if you paid her. All she wants to eat is chips, fries,etc..etc. She does eat most fruits and loves yogurt. I just wanted to somehow get her to eat something good besides junk. So I turned to my trusty cook book by Jessica Seinfeld called, "Deceptively Delicious". I have tried a few recipes from her cook book a while back, but just never really got the hang of it. She "hides" vegetables and fruits by pureeing them. It is the best idea I have seen yet, AND it is working for us! 

On Mondays when I go to the grocery store I get whatever vegetable or fruits that I will be using for the week. Then when I get home I start pureeing. It's so easy! I thought it would be very time consuming, but it's really not that bad. After pureeing each vegetable I put it in a ziploc bag, label it with whatever it is, then put the date on it. I sometimes freeze part of the puree because it usually makes a lot. So, then I know I will always have something on hand when needed.

So far I have made spaghetti with squash and carrot puree, brownies with carrot puree, French toast with sweet potato puree, and grilled cheese with sweet potato puree. There are many more things I want to try too. I know it sounds gross, but Nolen and I will even eat it. I promise you can't taste the vegetables at all. The best part is Libby is getting something good in her tummy. :-)


Back to the Real World...

...And I'm so ready for the real world to come back! I love having a long break from school, but I love having a schedule and routine for each day. I feel more productive, and it's easier for me to get things done! When we are on break I always say, "Oh, I'll do that later...I have a   few weeks left!" Then it usually never gets done. I have to have a schedule of some sort. So today is the day!

A few of my goals... 

1. Get Libby back on a schedule. I started this yesterday. I have always had a time that I want her to nap, go to bed, etc. But yesterday she followed that schedule perfectly. She napped from almost exactly 1-3. Then this is going to be a shocker! She went to bed at like 8:30, AND in her own bed!!!! AH, It felt so good to have her asleep at a descent hour. Of course,I had to lay down with her and read books, but that's ok! I really enjoy snuggling with my girl.

2. Work out 3X a week to Jillian Michael's. I started this back in the Fall, but it all feel through during break. I'm going to try so hard to keep this going! 

3. I have set certain days to do certain things. Like on Mondays I'll go to the grocery ,and Fridays are my "cleaning" day. Of course you have to clean everyday with a little one, but Fridays are like clean bathrooms, mop, dust, etc... This also went out the door while on break.

Ok, Don't think I'm crazy for writing all my new goals down. I thought that maybe if I write them out for the world to see then it might put some pressure on me to keep it up! :)

On a different note, We had a great last few days of our break this weekend. We went to the lake to watch the National Championship game. I was saying "ROLLLL TIIIDE" and Nolen was saying "Hook em'"!! 

Friday, we had a fun play date with Tucker at his house. Libby and Tucker played so well together! Friday night we hung at home just the 3 of us! We built a fire too! I love real fires. My parents always had a fire going during the winter!

Saturday Libby and I went to her friend Avery's birthday party. She had a BLAST!! It was at Premier Athletics (a tumbling and cheerleading gym). She loved jumping on the trampoline, hoola-hooping (spelling?), and just running around. I think I might sign her up for 3 year old gymnastics next year since she enjoyed it so much. Here are some pictures from the party.

                                                   She told me to take this picture of her.


                                                  She didn't want to get out!

                                    Libby and  Avery (not the birthday girl) playing.
                                                              Libby and Anderson 

                                                         So EXCITED!!!

                                                     The whole group
                                            Libby and Avery hugging. So sweet!
                                      Libby and her sweet teacher, Mrs. Carmello

Sunday we went to church and Sunday school, then came home and didn't do much. I kind of prepared myself for school... did some laundry. Ya know, the normal Sunday afternoon stuff.

I'm not looking forward to walking in the FREEZING cold to class, AND fighting for a parking spot. But I guess I don't have a choice!


Back to School

I'm on a roll with blog post aren't I? I guess when I'm out of school I have a little bit more time on my hands. :)

 Anyway, just had to post a picture of this little cutie. She started back school today! She was so excited to see her sweet teachers and friends!

Her teacher said she named all the letters in the alphabet, all the colors, and all the shapes perfectly today! I love hearing that she is doing so well. She has learned so much during the past 4 months at school. 

We have lots of fun things going on this week/weekend. We are taking a quick trip to the lake, Libby has a birthday party, and a play date! What fun!!

Hope everyone is staying WARM!!


Scary story...

Last night was just like any ordinary night in the Lamberth household. I had Bible study at 6:15, so Nolen decided that he would take Libby on a fun Daddy/Daughter date and go to the Auburn basketball game. Libby loves going to the games! So, I left for Bible study around 6, and Nolen left a few minutes after that. Well... he thought he was leaving...

He was putting Libby in her carseat...He dropped his keys while buckling her up. Somehow when the keys fell it hit the lock buttom. Nolen said he heard something click, but he didn't really think anything of it. So he closes the door.. goes around to the drivers side to get in the car...AND....it was locked!! I can't imagine what was going through his head. I have nightmares about his happening! So, he can't call anyone b/c his cell phone is locked in the car, can't get back into the house b/c the keys are locked in the car. WHAT do you do?? The neighbors house looked dark like they weren't at home, but he knocks anyway. They came to the door... PRAISE the Lord!! He was still in panic mode, so it was hard for him to get out what had happened. They were so nice, and they got a coat hanger and a flash light to see if that would do anything. ALSO, remember it's like 25 degrees outside...FREEZING!! The coat hanger didn't work, so they called the police.

 Police got there... The instrument that they use to open doors wasn't working....So he calls a locksmith. They come 15 minutes later... unlocks the door! AHH! After about 35 minutes Libby was finally no longer locked in the car! While all of this was happening Libby was LAUGHING! I just couldn't believe it! Thank goodness she had a big warm jacket on to keep her warm. Nolen said she couldn't have been more perfect! She was just chillin' in the car having a good ole time! HA! So, back to the locksmith he unlocks the door, then leaves without Nolen paying him. I guess he felt sorry for him b/c his child was locked in the car. Nolen felt kind of bad that he didn't pay, but then he was like, "Hey I just saved like $50!" Great! 

I feel like we should do something for that man. I mean without him Libby would still be stuck in the car. Right? 

After all of that excitement they finally headed to the basketball game. They had a great time together, and Libby and Nolen got on the "dance cam" on the jumbo tron! So fun! I wish I was there to get a picture though! 

I'm so thankful for our nice neighbors who let Nolen use there phone. Thank you so much!



The "Holliday" Party

Libby and A.R.

Family picture

Riley Frances, Libby and Hayes

Mr. Roger and Libby

James and Libby

Cutest brother and sister! 

JJ and Libby

Katie and Libby


I know Christmas is over, but I wanted to post these pictures from the Holliday's Christmas Eve party! Every year after church we go over to there house for some Christmas fun. There are a lot of church people that come, and it's always something I look forward to! The food is always so good! Mrs. Cindy is a wonderful cook! 

Libby was being quite the social butterfly that night. She would just go up to about anyone and smile for me to take her picture. It was so fun! She especially liked A.R. (Hayes's grandfather) they had the best time looking at all the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Libby has always loved him since she was little! He is just so sweet to her! 

Those of you that know Libby know that she is not very fond of strangers. Which I think is a good thing in a way! She will definitely be good at the "don't talk to strangers" rule! 


Tampa and New Years!!

                                           Above: Nolen and I in Hyde Park

                                                    New Years Eve. Going to dinner
                                                New Years Eve in Channelside
                                                 Abby and I at Channelside
                                           At the game. We had great seats!
                                                     After the game
                                             War Eagle!! After we won!

On Wednesday we headed to Tampa. Hank and Kasi came and picked us up in Auburn, then we started our looong drive to Florida! We finally got there around 8:30 or so. We got all unpacked then Nolen and I went to the hotel restaurant to get some dessert. We hung out for a little bit then went back to our room and went to bed. We were so tired! On Thursday Nolen's Aunt Cathy invited all of us to lunch. She came and picked us up from the hotel. It was great seeing and catching up with her. After that we drove around Tampa. We found a cute area called Hyde Park. I spotted Anthropologie and Kasi spotted Ann Taylor, so we decided we had to stop there! :) We looked around there for a little while, then Nolen and I headed back to the hotel, while Hank and Kasi went to see a movie. We hung out at the hotel and met up with Mack and his girlfriend, Lauren. We visited with them for a little bit, then went to get ready for the night. We went back to Hyde Park to eat at a nice little Italian restaurant (I think it was Italian). We enjoyed a nice dinner, then headed back to the hotel. Nolen and I then headed to Channel side to meet up with some friends! There were TONS of people there! I have never seen so many lesbians and nasty dressed people in my life! It was very interesting!! We had great time hanging out with Abby and Hank though. At midnight we watched the fireworks, then headed back to the hotel since we had to wake up early. On Friday we got up early and headed to the game. It rained most of the game, then finally stopped raining after half time. At the beginning of the game I was thinking this is the worst game I have been to, but then after the game I was saying it was the most fun game I've ever been to! It was so much fun being 5 rows up! After the game Nolen and I went and stood by the rail and high fived a lot the players! Then Woody Parramore (pledge brother of Nolen) ran by and saw Nolen. He jumped up and Nolen grabbed him and pulled him in the stands! It was so much fun!! I wish I got a picture of them, but it was too crazy! I got one of him walking away though.He's #33 walking away in one of the pictures above. After the game we headed back to Alabama. We had a great trip! Totally worth the 8 hour drive I think! Thanks Mr. Tom for the tickets it was so fun!!