I figured it was time for a little "catch all" post on this blog. I just can't seem to get here that often anymore. I have a few goals for this month-- keep up with this blog better, take more pictures and stay on top of laundry. :)
The month of September was a busy one. So, get ready for a lot of pictures from this month!
Here we go...
The second week in September Libby got to "cheer" on the field at the first AHS football game. All the girls that did cheer camp at the beginning of the summer were invited. She thought it was pretty cool! I forgot my memory card at home, so all I have are iPhone pics.
The second week in September Libby got to "cheer" on the field at the first AHS football game. All the girls that did cheer camp at the beginning of the summer were invited. She thought it was pretty cool! I forgot my memory card at home, so all I have are iPhone pics.
Libby is doing ASK Community Bible Study every Monday afternoon with a lot of cute friends. This semester they are learning about the Ten Commandments. They have a memory verse every week along with a lesson. I'm hoping she will let me record her saying a verse before it's over. It's amazing how a 5-year-old can memorize verses.
Annabelle gets to ride with us every Monday too! They love being carpool buddies!
Libby had her first homework assignment {actually this was her second!} a few weeks ago. They had a alphabet fashion show. She was the letter "C". She had fun cutting out and glueing things on her vest that started with the letter "C"!
Libby had her first official spend the night company last Saturday night. She spent the night with our neighbor this summer, but she has never had anyone stay with her. She was SO SO excited! We tailgated on Saturday, then I took Annabelle and Libby to our house before the game started. We had a girls night including pizza and playing all things girly!
My grandparents came for a visit last week. The backseat of my car is literally filled with carseats. My hilarious grandmother decided she would just ride in a booster seat around tiger town. :-) If you come and visit me, you might have to ride in one too :)
My grandparents came for a visit last week. The backseat of my car is literally filled with carseats. My hilarious grandmother decided she would just ride in a booster seat around tiger town. :-) If you come and visit me, you might have to ride in one too :)
We went to the Fall Festival Tuesday night, which is hosted by the Auburn City Schools. We ran into a lot of friends, and Libby won a lot of goodies! We ended up donating some of our tickets to a random person. An hour was our max! The only picture I got was of her getting her face painted.
Nolen and I had a date night on Friday night! We had real grown up conversations without any interruptions. It was so nice!! And good food without having to cook was so nice too. :)
Last week Libby had a dentist appointment. She did great and came out with NO CAVITIES! Yea!
Nolen and I had a date night on Friday night! We had real grown up conversations without any interruptions. It was so nice!! And good food without having to cook was so nice too. :)
Last week Libby had a dentist appointment. She did great and came out with NO CAVITIES! Yea!
We also went to the AU vs. LA Monroe game last weekend. We barely made it to half time. It was SO hot!! I didn't get a single picture either.
Whew, I feel like I am caught up now. I hope to keep up with everything this month a little better, so I don't have to do a post that is SO long!
So cute! I just found your blog and am loving the pictures!!