This morning I thought I would try to plant some herbs in a pot. My parents have a herb garden, and I love the fact that they can have fresh herbs right on hand if they needed them. So, I thought I would try the same thing. We'll see how it goes though!
Libby was a great helper. She's so girly, but she doesn't mind putting her hands in some dirt! She got a little tired of playing with the dirt, so she set up her own little tea party. It wasn't really a "tea" party though. She only served yogurt.
Then she played with some chalk.... Don't you love how she just dumps everything out! :-)
Then our neighbor Lilly and her Mommy came over to use our swing, and we ended up bringing out the water table! They had so much fun playing. I can't believe how big Libby looked around Lilly. Of course Libby is almost 2 years older, but it just seems like Libby should be the one that's one and a half.
Libby loved prancing around in her new swimsuit. She danced around like a ballerina. She kept asking to go to the beach, but I was sad to tell her that we don't have a "beach" here like at Sasa and Bessie's. But... We are going to the real beach this weekend!! Libby is so excited, but of course telling her that we aren't leaving until Friday doesn't mean at thing to her. She wanted to get in the car right then and leave. I wouldn't mind doing that though! ;-)
We are leaving on Friday afternoon to go to the beach with Nolen's parents! We are excited about getting away for a few days. Only 1 month from graduation!!
Have fun at the beach . Libs suit is adorable! Love all the pics!